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carwraps236 ([info]carwraps236) wrote,
@ 2013-03-17 17:18:00

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Truck Wraps: How to Safely Remove Vehicle Wraps

Truck Wraps Information

Vehicle graphics and wraps are durable but can still expire. Susbequently, you need to secure the right tools and materials because you will not be able to strip it down with your bare hands. Tools such as blow dryer or heat gun, razor blade, and plastic scraper are all important part of the procedure. You will also need alcohol and gloves when doing the actual process.

You should know that vehicle wraps have different levels of bond. You may encounter vehicle wraps which are easy to remove while there are also wraps which are rather difficult to eliminate due to their present condition. But as a general idea, car wraps can be removed using the tools stated earlier. To start with the actual procedure, wear protective gloves then start heating the surface with the blow dryer. Heat the edges of the wrap and make sure that the heat is enough to separate the wrap from the surface. Remember not to overdo this because it might melt car parts such as tail light lens.

When the edges starts to come off, using your fingers pull the wrap slowly and carefully. Vehicle wraps placed on windows, you might have to use a razor to effectively remove the wrap. As a suggestion, you may ask additional help in order to reduce the workload. Having a second person helping during the removal will allow each of you to focus on a single task.

As a final reminder, you probably have to use special chemicals because residues are inevitable at this stage. You will need to use the scraper to scrape off vinyl wraps which continue to stick on the car?s surface. When using chemicals, be sure that the liquid is friendly to the car especially to its paint. However, if peelings are still visible, you may have to send your car to the shop that installed the vehicle wrap because they probably have the right tools to remove these residues.
Automotive Wrap

Wrapping motor vehicles with vinyl graphics it doesn't matter if to be used in advertising or in automotive demonstrates needs to be performed by authority automobile detailers. It is because these establishments are equipped with the state of the art machines and tools so they can produce professional looking car graphics. However, car wrapping materials and tools are now accessible to consumers and because of this an ordinary fellow can perform this at home if he wishes to cover his car with car wraps. If you are planning to wrap up a car at home, be sure to follow this guide to avoid committing errors during installation.

First of all, you need to come up with a concrete design. This may include a business logo, a catch phrase, or custom graphics which you will sketch utilizing a computer and also a picture modifying software application. Once you have decided on the design, prepare the material to be printed on.

After you have drafted your intial design, choose a decent wrapping material. You can choose different wrapping materials such as acrylic, PVC, polystyrene, and more. But you should pick the vinyl wrap since this is what car wrapping firms use on their clients? cars. They use vinyl because it is widely available, long long lasting, and really purposeful.

After you have secured the material, prepare to print the image using the right printer. Even so, if the graphics is very large for a typical printer, perhaps you may require to hire a third social gathering to print your style and design. After you have successfully printed the image on the vinyl wrap, prepare the essential tools like heat gun, squeegee, razor knife, masking tape, air release tool, and cleaning agents.

Prep the vehicle before putting the graphics on the surface. This is extremely crucial because vinyl graphics only adhere properly on clean services. Use plenty of water and mild soap to clean the car. Avoid using strong chemicals because this will only ruin your vehicle wrap. After you have thoroughly cleaned the vehicle, allow it to dry in a safe and dust-free environment.

After you have prepped the car, start assembling the vehicle graphics. At this stage, you can install the graphics using the wet or dry technique. It is important that you eliminate the bubbles using a squeegee and wrinkles using a heat gun. If you experience difficulty, you need to ask assistance from a friend so that you can position the graphics properly.

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