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[18 May 2011|11:02am]

I`m in love with my lust
Burning angel wings to dust
I wish I had your angel tonight

Full name:
Feliciano "Felix" Salazar
Age/DOB: 25 / September 13th, 1493; died in the 1980s
Race: Human, reborn
Occupation: N/A
Birthplace: Toledo, Spain

Personality: Felix is, for lack of a better word, apathetic. He's just shy of technically being a sociopath, and nothing in life stirs his interest outside of either his own self-destruction or his abnormal lust for his sister. Felix is an adaptive creature, able to view any situation from an objective view and decide on the best course of action required for his survival or his desired outcome.

He rarely smiles or laughs (except in the presence of his sister), and his general expression is one of a blank or stoic nature. His movements are precise and calculated, though this is all unconsciously done. For most intents and purposes, Felix is a robot that operates on the perogative of survival. He does not wish to die, but he does not necessarily enjoy things that other people do - the rich taste of a good meal, the delicate sound of a well-plucked instrument, or the lush feel of an expensive fabric. Outside of the company of his sister, he would prefer solitude; perhaps the one thing that can drive him to some kind of emotion is the wielding of a blade, which is something he's very practiced in. He can be given to possessiveness and jealousy, sometimes of an immature nature, when the topic comes to Eugenie and with whom she spends her time.

Felix generally prefers dark clothing, mostly for it's simplicity and anonymity. Since being reborn he's stuck to the same status quo; his original form was that of a tall, dark-haired man. He was also said to smile often, which was probably more due to the fact that he and his sister were freed from the constraints of mortal society and its taboos. Since being reborn, his form is of a lanky twenty five year old young man with longish brown hair and a not displeasing face - however, this attractiveness often goes unused. His posture is board-straight.

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