Captain America

April 14th, 2009

Characters so far: @ 05:08 pm

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Date: April 15th, 2009 01:48 am (UTC)
I know I'm up for Jimmy. I'll have to look at the Inhumans issues to see if I want any of the actual royal family but I don't think I will. But it's possible.

I can read X-men stuff and handle the team. I uh might read some stuff and take Jean might be interested in someone. The only problem would be if I should do that considering I'd also be playing Wanda and she'd be their enemy. Plus I really like the Jean and Wanda friendship in First Class so I'd like for that to be an option.

Although if the lead doesn't pan out for Beast... anyway I got to read that stuff before I go one way or the other.

Captain America