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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2011-11-29 21:13:00

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Sometime in the future
It's been a long and hard night of detective work for Thomas. A rash of killings has hit Gotham and the victims seem unconnected no matter what angle they've looked at. Was it the beginnings of a gang war or a random killer on the loose? So far interrogating the scum all over the city has been useless. They know nothing. Not in the way where they know something and aren't telling, but they genuinely don't know anything about the mystery killer or killers he's hunting. He's not sure if the possibility that this is an isolated individual should relieve him or not, after all, so far they've got no real evidence that it's even one killer or that these killings are related. But there's no such thing as coincidence for a detective.

Thomas decides to rest at one of the nearby satellite caves Batman has set up around Gotham over the years, it's cold and rainy and he's sick of hitting dead ends. This is one of the smaller ones, stocked with basic gear, a civilian change of clothes, first aid and some food. It also happens to be the one he's told the Fox about. Not that he'd admit to doing that if any of the others asked. But if she wanted to find him or needed help, he wanted her to have a safe spot to go. Maybe that's why he seems to gravitate towards this one whenever he can, it's not like he ever expects her there though.

He shakes out the rain from his cape as he enters and is about to peel of the mask when he sees the bleeding figure on the floor.

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2011-12-07 08:58 pm UTC (link)
"That's what the hidden cameras are for," she teases. There are none but it's fun to kid around with him.

Plus she is aware she isn't the only really wound up person.

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2011-12-07 09:04 pm UTC (link)
"No free camera strip teases for you Foxy. Nice try though." He's teasing but will do a cursory check of the room anyway.

He's very wound up but trying to brush it off and act normal, or as normally as possible given the situation.

Picking up his bag with the Robin gear off the floor he makes his way to what he assumes is the bedroom. It'd be more interesting if she was in it of course but fantasies can wait for another time.

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2011-12-07 09:09 pm UTC (link)
"That's ok." She gave him a once over as she lowly sat up. "I have a good imagination."

That was a bit dirty t say. But at least Thomas can feel safe seeing nothing of not except for two spare uniforms hanging up in the close hidden behind several different kinds of clothing.

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2011-12-07 09:29 pm UTC (link)
He gives her one last playful smirk in response before closing the door behind him.

He feels like a bit of an ass doing this but he searches the room anyway. It's her safehouse afterall, paranoid bat procedure comes first. He doesn't expect to find anything personal, and he doesn't. For a moment he considers whether or not he should throw a listening device somewhere but reasons that she wouldn't say or anything or bring someone here, especially not any mob people. Instead he opts for discrete tracking devices hidden in her spare uniforms. It's the crimefighter in him that makes him do that, he reasons it's for her safety in the future, which isn't exactly a lie but...

His sweep of the room done, Thomas changes into the Robin gear and stuffs his civies in the bag before leaving the room and appearing suddenly behind her.

"I've got to go but...take it easy until you heal. Or I'll have to come make sure you're doing that..." It's a playful threat, he'll drop by anyway. Just to test her security.

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2011-12-08 01:14 am UTC (link)
Nothing too telling is left here. There might be a few knives but they look too generic to be traceable.

And truthfully she expects him to do something. Because they're professionals of different kinds. She knows that if she were in his shoes she would do the same thing.

She looks up at him not surprised by his appearance. She can't help the smirk though that appears on her face.

"Don't loose you're head Robin."

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2011-12-08 01:24 am UTC (link)
One last parting shot and he leans down to whisper in her ear, "And rob you the chance of messing with it? Never."

She'll hear a swoosh of the cape and by the time she turns there will only be the edge of the cape disappearing out of one of the few windows in the place.

Like he'd use the door.

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