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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2011-11-29 21:13:00

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Sometime in the future
It's been a long and hard night of detective work for Thomas. A rash of killings has hit Gotham and the victims seem unconnected no matter what angle they've looked at. Was it the beginnings of a gang war or a random killer on the loose? So far interrogating the scum all over the city has been useless. They know nothing. Not in the way where they know something and aren't telling, but they genuinely don't know anything about the mystery killer or killers he's hunting. He's not sure if the possibility that this is an isolated individual should relieve him or not, after all, so far they've got no real evidence that it's even one killer or that these killings are related. But there's no such thing as coincidence for a detective.

Thomas decides to rest at one of the nearby satellite caves Batman has set up around Gotham over the years, it's cold and rainy and he's sick of hitting dead ends. This is one of the smaller ones, stocked with basic gear, a civilian change of clothes, first aid and some food. It also happens to be the one he's told the Fox about. Not that he'd admit to doing that if any of the others asked. But if she wanted to find him or needed help, he wanted her to have a safe spot to go. Maybe that's why he seems to gravitate towards this one whenever he can, it's not like he ever expects her there though.

He shakes out the rain from his cape as he enters and is about to peel of the mask when he sees the bleeding figure on the floor.

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2011-12-06 03:59 am UTC (link)
Except she is still mobile even with her injuries. He gets turned easily and she is in his lap curling into him. She should know better than to let things keep going this far.

But she likes him and she hasn't gotten burnt yet.

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2011-12-06 04:10 am UTC (link)
Nothing bad has resulted from this yet so he lets it continue.

But between what she's wearing, the fact that she's curled up on his lap and that they're alone...well he's trying to keep his thoughts clean. He pulls her in closer, ignoring the fact that she could probably snap his neck in this position, and lets one of his hands gently trace patterns along her thigh.

Kittens. That's what he's thinking of now. Clean thoughts and kittens.

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2011-12-06 04:15 am UTC (link)
Kittens. Right.

Which is why her mouth is hovering close to his. Her breath probably feels very warm.

And she has much less self control. She closes the very short space kissing him again.

And PS Robin? Her thoughts aren't clean at all.

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2011-12-06 04:21 am UTC (link)
Yes kittens. No hot foxes that look great in tight leather and that are currently curled up on his lap wearing his shirt.

He's cursing all that self control that's been beaten into him. Which might be why when he kisses back, he's a tad bit more intense than before. His hands may be wandering a bit too.

If this keeps up he might have to start thinking of puppies. And he doesn't even like dogs.

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2011-12-06 04:25 am UTC (link)
He may need those thoughts really fast. Sarah is curving into him and drawing patterns on his shoulders with her fingers.

She is also shifting in a way that makes it more comfortable too sit in his lap. Giving the fact her backside shifted around so much before she settled on one position? That had to be evil.

Obviously she is devious and he should threaten to spank her.

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2011-12-06 04:30 am UTC (link)
Okay, the puppies just aren't doing it. The kittens were working better but still...

All her shifting around is just making this worse (better a part of him is saying). He lets one of his hands trail up under the shirt she's wearing to let his fingers run up and down her sides.

"You know," he manages to get out between kisses, "I knew you were naughty but this is just evil. Don't think I'll let you get away with this..."

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2011-12-06 04:38 am UTC (link)
She breaks the kiss long enough to give him a heated look. She wants him to keep touching her. His fingers on her skin tempt her to confess everything but she'll save that for later.

"Why Robin .... don't tell me. If I keep this up, you'll turn me over your knee for a bit of...., correction," she teases with a purr. Then kisses him quickly before he has a chance to think of a response.

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2011-12-06 04:47 am UTC (link)
The kiss silences him for a bit but when he gets the chance he smirks at her, "Be careful, I could do that pretty easily from this position. If you tempt me anymore..." He leaves that hanging in the air while he lets his hand trail up her back so that his fingers continue making patterns, this time letting them sneak under her bra. There may be a devious smile on his face now.

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2011-12-06 04:53 am UTC (link)
And she's pretty much ready to give him full permission to keep doing that.

Of course now she has to see if she can get him to do that. So giving him a very wolf like smirk she shifts again. This time on purpose to tease him more than just get comfortable. She even playfully nibbles on his lower lip before kissing him more fully. She fully expects he may end up spanking her or having fun with the permission she's willing to grant.

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2011-12-06 04:59 am UTC (link)
Right now he's enjoying what she's doing too much to even think about thinking about kittens.

He has to bite his lip to keep some semblance of self control. "Careful Foxy..." The hand on her thigh is slowly moving up with his thumb trailing along her inner thigh, just to distract her. He has a feeling that he'll end up flipping her over his knee very soon...

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2011-12-06 05:09 am UTC (link)
She can't help but chuckle softly. Then the pad of her thumb brushes against his lower lip.

"I know exactly what I'm doing." She lifts her leg to let her inner thigh slide along his hand. That's probably evil but so is chasing after another kiss knowing he will be very distracted at some point.

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2011-12-06 05:18 am UTC (link)
Oh she's got him very distracted now and he's enjoying it immensely.

He lets his hand trail along the seam and then up, tracing the zipper of her jeans and moving higher, letting his fingers skirt over her stomach. His devious smirk is still there but she has most of the control still. He can't see what he's doing so he's letting his fingers feel their way up and under (his) shirt, enjoying every second.

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2011-12-06 05:23 am UTC (link)
That's.... playing right into her hands. Totally into her hands.

Okay no it isn't. But damn that feels good. Her body is pretty lean and toned so she has no shame letting him touch her. And she's having far too much fun teasing him.

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2011-12-06 05:36 am UTC (link)
He'll get her over his knee a bit later, this is too enjoyable right now. The hand trails up, enjoying the feeling up her toned body and then when he comes to the front of her bra he lets his fingers sneak under just the edges, teasing her by never going farther. The kissing has gotten more intense too as he starts to take more control and lean into her.

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2011-12-06 05:46 am UTC (link)
She's okay with that even though her mind screams he is a tease. She has been teasing him since they met almost. She couldn't help it either and this time the teasing is all on him and she just nibbles at his lower lip until he is leaning into her and she just lets him take every every inch of space.

If he knew how willing she was to let him have control he might be able to trick her into giving up her bosses' name right now.

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2011-12-06 06:00 am UTC (link)
He's almost completely forgotten about the fact that he doesn't know her boss's name, and it doesn't even occur to him that with her like this it'd be a perfect time to ask whatever he wants.

He is being a tease, part of it is revenge for her teasing him so much, and another just because he enjoys doing this to her. It occurs to him that he's got her on his lap with his hands up her shirt while he still has his jacket on.

A smirk forms as he remembers he promised to punish her. He moves to whisper into her ear, his hot breath sure to tickle. "Well Foxy, I don't know if I've punished you enough. What do you say?"

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2011-12-06 05:39 pm UTC (link)
Oh this is just torture because all she wants is for him to get her out of her clothes. She's never let someone get this close to her. It's always been all look and no touch for her own sense of staying as independent as she can.

But it's fun letting him in close. And obviously she needs more punishment given right where her brain is going with that. "Mmmm.... I'm still going to end up misbehaving."

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2011-12-06 05:55 pm UTC (link)
A slow cat-like smile spreads across his face. "Discipline it is then..."

Removing his hands from under her shirt, he picks her up and flips her over so that now she's over his knee. A playful grope and he leans in again to whisper in her ear in Farsi (yes he's been practicing), "Looks like I've got you where I want you..."

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2011-12-06 06:10 pm UTC (link)
She tilts her head so she can look back at him. She's not surprised he gave in.

She's smirking though when he says that. "Who says that wasn't my plan all this time," she purrs back in Farsi. If he understands her she will be very pleased.

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2011-12-06 06:28 pm UTC (link)
There's a pause as he takes the time to formulate his response, his Farsi is still rather limited, "If it was, let see how you get out of this." Grammar isn't his strong suit at this point but the fact that he's kissing down the back of her neck might distract her from it. His hand is now in her back pocket giving her a playful pinch. He wants her to squirm some more before he starts.

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2011-12-06 06:33 pm UTC (link)
That is incredibly unfair. She groans softly and trues to move so he can get the side of her neck too. Does he really think she's going to try getting away?

Of course not. He has his hands on her and she wants that.

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2011-12-06 06:42 pm UTC (link)
He's not looking to be fair, and knowing this is torturing her in the good way just makes him worse. He lets one of his hands trail up and down her spine (he's wishing the shirt was out of the way) to distract her as the first playful slap comes. The next is a bit harder. He's trying to gauge her reaction.

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2011-12-06 06:49 pm UTC (link)
She nites her lower lip because Hell's Bells. She doesn't need him to know that felt good. The blonde hadn't realized she'd fully enjoy that.

And that it would also sort of be a turn on. That is going to leave her needing a long bath for reasons past just liking baths.

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2011-12-06 07:02 pm UTC (link)
Now the smile is devilish as he sees her squirm with enjoyment. The next few come harder with the ocassional pinch after just to keep her guessing.

At least she can take a bath, he has to go out and fight crime after this. Any criminals are really going to regret running into him after this, sexually frustrated crimefighters are to be avoided.

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2011-12-06 08:43 pm UTC (link)
She groans because this is turning into way too much fun. Spanking shouldn't be fun but somehow it has turned into a game. How much can she stand before she needs him to stop for both their sakes?

Likely not much more. She can feel her blood heating up way too much.

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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 12:54 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 01:37 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 01:50 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 04:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 04:52 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 04:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 05:05 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 05:10 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 05:14 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 05:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 05:29 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 05:46 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 05:55 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 06:03 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 06:13 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 06:22 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 06:32 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 07:25 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 07:34 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 07:44 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 08:00 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 08:07 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 08:11 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 08:45 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 08:51 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 08:58 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 09:04 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-07 09:09 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-07 09:29 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2011-12-08 01:14 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2011-12-08 01:24 am UTC

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