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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
"Sometimes you won't be able to force yourself...trust me." Staying silent as she guides his hand over her scars, he listens to her stories and thinks of all of his that he won't tell. About the time he stepped in to save Dick, only to leave his left side open and be almost sliced in half. How one of his early Robin missions as a kid had him shot twice, once through the shoulder and another buried between ribs on his side. There's countless other knife fight scars and others from nasty falls but he stays silent. She's had training, that comforts him but sometimes your luck turns...

He doesn't say that he trusts her back, even though he might, he's still not sure. "...I'd like if you didn't die like that." Thomas tries to force some cheer into his voice now, "I expect you on a roof two weeks from now with that smile you have. I won't accept excuses."

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