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outfoxing ([info]outfoxing) wrote in [info]cantkeepmeout,
"I would have forced myself over to the kit no matter how bad it hurt had you been much longer," she points out softly. She takes his hand and puts it on her ribs guiding him to a fading scar on the side.

"I treated this myself two years ago. I got shot at." Then she shifts his and on-top the side of her hip. "Under my suit I have six faded out scars that I can't even see. Knife fight in the Middle East. Infiltration went bad. My mentor had to clock the guy out while I played distraction. He decided I needed to learn to stitch myself up so.... he guided my hand that night. Made sure I didn't hurt myself."

She looks sad for a moment. She misses the real Fox so much. "My point is.... I trust you. And I won't die. I promise you I'm not doing to die like that."

They really are too close. But she can't let him know that. And she can't let him know how much he effects her.

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