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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
The stitches are done and he's almost finished with her leg too now.

"Still a mobster but alright, I'll be your errand boy then."

The blackmail confession causes him to freeze. Her stealing he can deal with, especially if it's her own choice. But being forced to do it? No. He isn't going to let this slide.

There's a loud crack as the almost empty morphine bottle he's holding breaks in his palm. Thomas is fuming silently and his hands are shaking with rage. The fact that she's only a criminal because she's forced to should make him feel better not worse, but for some reason...he'd rather whatever she did be up to her. Maybe it's the remains of his mother's 'I steal because I want to attitude' but this blackmail her employer is doing rubs him the wrong way. And now that he knows, it's not going to be going on much longer.

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