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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
He gives her one last playful smirk in response before closing the door behind him.

He feels like a bit of an ass doing this but he searches the room anyway. It's her safehouse afterall, paranoid bat procedure comes first. He doesn't expect to find anything personal, and he doesn't. For a moment he considers whether or not he should throw a listening device somewhere but reasons that she wouldn't say or anything or bring someone here, especially not any mob people. Instead he opts for discrete tracking devices hidden in her spare uniforms. It's the crimefighter in him that makes him do that, he reasons it's for her safety in the future, which isn't exactly a lie but...

His sweep of the room done, Thomas changes into the Robin gear and stuffs his civies in the bag before leaving the room and appearing suddenly behind her.

"I've got to go but...take it easy until you heal. Or I'll have to come make sure you're doing that..." It's a playful threat, he'll drop by anyway. Just to test her security.

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