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outfoxing ([info]outfoxing) wrote in [info]cantkeepmeout,
"Okay." She does what she can for her leg. She's going to have to really go out on a limb even further and just trust him. She hurts too much for anything but this.

"I had just finished making a delivery to the Penguin's club. Can't believe he still runs it... Anyways. Yeah. I was walking with my hood off. Going back towards a place I like to climb up. Suddenly this..... guy. Don't know. He was kinda small? Looked weird. He got in my space and asked me if I knew where this street was...... Delaney? I'm not sure."

Sarah touches her face with her now bare hand. Then rubs along the edge of her mask to work it off. "I don't know if it was him. But shortly after that I was attacked."

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