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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
"Let's just say he's obsessive about plans. Not that that's a bad thing." He shrugs at the next part, "I have no idea, you'd have to ask him." He does his best, but he's never sure if that's ever enough...

All he knows is that they're blackmailing her with something. What it is he still hasn't figured that out, but he'll be trying. It must be big if they can get someone as good as her to work for them because of it.

He's got another two or so hours before he's got to go on patrol for the night. "Did you need me to help with anything around here by the way? I feel like I forgot to offer..." He's not sure if she wants him to stick around or go just yet. She might want some privacy now but he's hoping she'll let him stick around. It's not just that he's got nothing else to do, he doesn't really, it's that not only does being with her not constantly remind him that he's in the wrong universe, but he actually enjoys being able to see her casually and not need to stop her from stealing. It's not like that's going to last very long either.

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