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outfoxing ([info]outfoxing) wrote in [info]cantkeepmeout,
"I... don't know. But it was good of you to do that."

She's not going to say she still expects that he might want something. People always want things. She just can't guess what he would want in repayment so she's not going to ring it up.

"Actually I am pretty clean. I came here maybe a week ago to check this place over. I washed the floors, some of the walls and checked for any problems. Also vacuumed where there are rugs. It helps keep me safe if I keep evidence cleared out of here regularly. My 'real' place I go over more frequently."

She bears her teeth slightly. "There's an apartment I keep that I let the Family think I use as home.... as part of my front I keep that messy. To let them guess I grow a little compliant."

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