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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
He waits for her to shift back to a more comfortable position, shifting closer so that if she needs a hand he's there. "Just say if you need any, there's quite a few around here."

There's a tilt of his head as he seems to consider this, and he just smiles. "I think your features are very nice too. And certainly memorable." She's right about that making it hard to blend in though. You could tell the colour of his eyes from across a room, it makes it hard to blend in, which is why he usually wears contacts with disguises. People remembered piercing blue too much, but he can't exactly tell her that. "We'll make it a challenge to look as unlike ourselves as possible then. If you want stakes or not that's up to you." Yes he's a tad competitive, maybe too much sometimes but it makes things fun.

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