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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
"I find it hard to see how anyone could look at you and think 'tag-along'. Hell I've spent most of my life, even now, as just the sidekick. It's kinda nice having you not see me that way. I certainly don't see you as a tag along." It's one of the few times in his life that's happened, he's just Robin, not little sidekick kid. And he appreciates that more than he'll ever admit.

"It's hard to change, doesn't mean you can't try..." He wants her to be done with all this mob stuff, and preferably the criminal part too but...he's realistic in thinking that won't be likely to happen.

Thomas swipes some of her fries and tries to lighten the mood, "Alright, for next time I come over, what type of food do you like? I kinda made a wild guess this time..."

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