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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2011-10-06 01:04:00

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Current location:Wayne Manor

Test Scene

First thing he registers: he’s face down in mud.
Never a good way to wake up, especially not in Gotham. Slowly he regains feeling in his limbs…and promptly he wishes he hadn’t. He aches all over, so much that he can’t tell where it hurts, just that it hurts all over.

With what seems to be a Herculean effort he manages to lift himself partially off the ground to figure out what fresh hell he needs to face now. He’s not quite recovered but in a split second he recognizes where he is. Wayne Manor grounds.

And for a brief moment he entirely forgets the destruction of Gotham and the sight of his universe crumbling before him as he groans.

“Unconscious on the grounds in Robin gear? Dad’s going to kill me…”

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2011-10-07 10:31 pm UTC (link)
He feels insensitive for mentioning it now. "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to pry..." Way to be awkward Thomas. He makes a note to try and make it up to her when he gets a chance.

He can't keep himself from laughing. "Yeah he's paranoid as hell but you gotta love him for it. I can dance but he might want to refrain from asking me to sing. Apparently I sing like my cat."

He follows her towards the manor. "And thanks, at least for not setting the security measures on me. You would have been fully justified for doing so."

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2011-10-08 01:34 am UTC (link)
"Oh it's okay." She gave him a reassuring smile. "I don't mind being a bastard. I can get away with a lot more."

Maria laughed along with him. "I would have, but I'm not as paranoid as some around here. I would like to think that was Alfred's influence when I was younger."

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2011-10-08 02:13 am UTC (link)
"Hey, we're crimefighters in Gotham. Playing the bastard is part of our job description."

Five minutes ago he was exhausted, depressed and confused. Now he's definitely feeling better despite his situation. He wouldn't expect anything less from a relative of Dick.

Thomas grins, pleased he got her to laugh along. "Well I guess the rest of us always have to fill the normal quota, and Alfred is nothing if not an awesome influence. If not for him I'm sure Dad would never leave that cave."

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2011-10-09 04:39 pm UTC (link)
"Something like that here too," she said. "Let's go. Uncle Bruce is probably wondering what's taking so long."

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