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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2013-05-20 15:08:00

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Baby Meme 2

You know what? Just going to do a new one actually.
A. Name
B. Zodiac 
C. Circumstances of Conception
D. PB/Psychical description
E. Five Random Facts
Realistic or not, go for it.
List of characters:
Thomas Kyle
Harry Reesen
Jai West
Jerry Boltiansky
Janie Drake
Martin Baum
Lena Jessen
Simon Davis
Vlad Rasputin
Brandr Fandralsson
Aleron Maximoff
Benjamin Parker
Bruce Wayne
Peter Parker
Bring it.

To Do:
Peter and Wanda
Bruce and Helena
Bruce and Mera
Vlad and Valeria
Vlad and Cait
Vlad and Irina
Ben and Cait
Ben and Ellie
Jai and Petra
Jai and Maria
Jai and Cait
Jai and Tula
Jai and Oksana
Lena and Brad
Lena and Josh
Lena and Peter
Lena and Tim
Lena and Alice
Thomas and Carolyn
Thomas and Ash
Thomas and Sarah
Thomas and Cait
Thomas and Iris
Thomas and Annie
Thomas and Tula
Jerry and Nala
Jerry and Carolyn
Jerry and Lian
Jerry and Layla
Harry and Sin
Janie and Clark
Simon and Tamara
Aleron and Korra
Martin and Emily
Martin and Anya
Brandr and Lyta
Brandr and Akilah
Brandr and Svalin
Brandr and Nikki 
Brandr and Iona
Brandr and Rita
Brandr and Kalypso

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2013-05-29 06:26 pm UTC (link)
Brandr and Lyta
A. Brett (Brandrsson on Asgard) Worthington
B. Cancer
C. They met during a team team-up, were intruiged by each other, had chemistry, and were clearly attracted to each other. They decided to meet up without their teams and see where that went. When that happens enough, sometimes children happen too.
D.  photo CaseyTaylor2.png Casey Taylor
E. Five Random Facts
1. Grew up with his mother, and at Xavier's, though was well aware of his Asgardian heritage.
2. Thankfully, no wings (a half asgardian pregnancy was difficult enough without them), but has a more watered down version of the standard asgardian powerset along with low-level telekinesis and telepathy.
3. Became the versatile powerhouse for his generation of xmen, and was always well dressed due to some spoiling by his mother.
4. Uncle Gabriel is a terrible but fun influence (terribly fun according to him) and showed him everything he knew about the night scene.
5. Spent forever in the danger room just learning how to fly with telekinesis. He had no wings and had always wanted to fly ever since he was a kid.

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