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under_the_skin ([info]under_the_skin) wrote in [info]cantkeepmeout,
Vlad and Valeria
A. Marcus Rasputin
B. Sagittarius
C. They met a few times, usually when he came over to pick up his sister from FF visits and such when she was younger. Though older, once in a while he has reason to drop by again, and Val's good conversation while he waits. Very pretty blonde who's ridiculously smart? Certainly not bad company. They hit it off and one time he asks her out, and they go from there. Their son is born a few years after they marry.
D.  photo BenjaminEidemicon.jpg Benjamin Eidem
E. Five Random Facts
1. Loves the lab but it's more a side interest for him. Programming is where his genius lies and he spends his early years making his own versions of operating systems. Nobody is too pleased to open their laptops some mornings to find he's changed absolutely everything to be more 'user friendly'.
2. As a kid especially, really really really wanted a Lockheed of his own. Or a full sized one he could ride. He's still working of searching for one to this day. Pterodactyls from Savage Island are as close as he's gotten.
3. Was offered a great position at Stark but declined it and said they needed some competition after all.
4. Has an ability to make a nearly impenetrable force field right on top of his skin to be practically invulnerable. That's the extent of his force field capabilities though. The rest of his rely on light refraction, which he's managed to work into pretty much an illusion power. It's quite entertaining using it on some 'uncles' for practice.
5. Is quite good at talking people into things. Once convinced a class that Russian in films wasn't actually Russian, but code speak that was actually telling the audience spoilers for the movie. That was a fun one he admits.

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