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bio_nerd ([info]bio_nerd) wrote in [info]cantkeepmeout,
Lena and Josh
A. Emilia Hoskins
B. Aries
C. Josh instead decided earlier on that some rules needed exceptions. Namely that no dating at work rule.
D.  photo KatGraham.jpg Kat Graham
E. Five Random Facts
1. To everyone's shock, actually knows when she needs a break and how to get out and have fun. This has not rubbed off on her parents though.
2. So happy that her parents are in SHIELD and don't live particularly close to either of their families because man are family dinners with her father's side awkward.
3. A daddy's girl all the way, and has plans to sign up for SHIELD the moment she can. Aims to be that field agent that can kick ass /and/ tell you the science behind the things you're facing.
4. Has an incredible memory and almost encyclopedic knowledge of heroes and villains and their respective powers. Including how those powers actually work (because the descriptors can be misleading according to her mother)
5. Has a pet mouse who she named Bucky. She suspects that the mouse itself was a bit of an in-joke or tease between her parents.

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