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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
Thomas and Ash
A. Art Kyle
B. Pisces
C. She was being awfully quiet and in a corner when the Monarch of Atlantis decided to come visit Gotham. He approached her and talked to try and get her more comfortable with the party, but they ended up getting along quite a bit. Eventually her visits to Gotham became more frequent and they started dating. He got a place by the docks and she moved in, eventually they married and had Art.
D.  photo ColeMohr.jpgCole Mohr
E. Five Random Facts
1. Spends most of his time in Gotham and is quite happy he's not going to be inheriting the throne.
2. Kind of scrawny and not much of a people person, and really can't see himself ever upholding the fine family tradition of charming the ladies in his secret ID
3. First started patrols by protecting Gotham Bay and taking down smuggled goods.
4. Is quite proud of the sea monster rumours that occasionally popped up, just wished they were more prevalent.
5. Has a state-of-the-art speed swim suit for his bay patrols that Dad made him. He loves the camouflage effect...though actually uses it to shimmer different colours because he can.

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