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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2012-12-17 18:58:00

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Entry tags:meme

Kid meme
A. Name
B. Zodiac 
C. Circumstances of Conception
D. PB/Psychical description
E. Five Random Facts

Realistic or not, go for it.

List of characters:

Thomas Kyle
Harry Reesen
Jai West

Martin Baum
Lena Jessen
Simon Davis
Vlad Rasputin
Brandr Fandralsson
Aleron Maximoff
Benjamin Parker

Bruce Wayne

Peter Parker

Bring it.

V2 add in:

DCNG: Jerry Boltiansky

Other than that everything's the same, go for it.

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2012-12-18 10:45 pm UTC (link)
Now for some odder crack from me...


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2012-12-22 09:55 pm UTC (link)
A. Sarah Jessen
B. Pisces
C. Lots of alcohol. She doesn't remember quite how much, just that it'd been a bad week and she was shocked it didn't hit the level of alcohol poisoning.
D. Laura Breckenridge Photobucket
E. Five Random Facts

1. Is, perhaps to her father's dismay, quite the goody two shoes. Lena doesn't know where she gets it from, even she breaks rules once in a while...

2. Despite what some would expect because of 1, is a motorcycle enthusiast and her parents did manage to agree with each other and pool for one for her when she was old enough to legally learn to drive one

3. As a toddler, insisted on sitting on her dad's lap and being driven around while he was Ghost Rider. It confused a lot of bad guys, Ghost Rider and his flaming motorcycle with a toddler sitting atop it and loudly declaring that "Daddy's going to put you in time out for being baddies!"

4. Carries a science book around at all times. Of course she upgraded from kid versions pretty early on and would practice giving people science lectures whenever they came to visit.

5. Doesn't drink at all. Her lab is also coffee free. In fact, it's only stocked with tea. Everyone thinks this is physically impossible and she must be popping caffiene pills on the sly or something.

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2013-03-10 03:00 pm UTC (link)
Repost of picture: Sarah Jessen photo laura_breckenridge_in_gossip_girl_season_2_37_zps21fafe7a.png

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