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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2012-12-17 18:58:00

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Entry tags:meme

Kid meme
A. Name
B. Zodiac 
C. Circumstances of Conception
D. PB/Psychical description
E. Five Random Facts

Realistic or not, go for it.

List of characters:

Thomas Kyle
Harry Reesen
Jai West

Martin Baum
Lena Jessen
Simon Davis
Vlad Rasputin
Brandr Fandralsson
Aleron Maximoff
Benjamin Parker

Bruce Wayne

Peter Parker

Bring it.

V2 add in:

DCNG: Jerry Boltiansky

Other than that everything's the same, go for it.

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2012-12-18 06:43 am UTC (link)
A. Veronica "Richie" Kyle
B. Aries
C. When you're in the midst of insanity and the only two people who seem to be sane...things happen. Ollie wasn't happy.
D. Emily Didonato Photobucket
E. Five Random Facts

1. A small kid to begin with, thankfully that the tall genes won out. She's thankful for that like people have no idea. Because no way did she intend to be tiny forever.

2. Even if it wasn't expressely forbidden, would never ever use the canary cry on a lock. Why bother when she could pick it in no time and sneak in without all that noise? I mean...subtelty people

3. Takes bullshit from no one. You snark at her, she'll do it back. Makes the family oddly proud. Well...except when they want her to do something. Stubborness has its downsides. But it runs in the families.

4. Most proud and most shameful moment: had to use the canary cry to break into a safe a villain had locked a doomsday control in. First time she'd really gotten the cry to exactly what she needed it for. On the other hand...there was an excellent safe now to mourn.

5. "Cat ate the canary" is not a term allowed to be used in the house. Various reasons nobody will elaborate on for her. They just giggle.

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2013-03-10 02:49 pm UTC (link)
Repost of picture: Richie Kyle photo emilydidonato_zpsdffa41fe.png

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