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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2012-12-17 18:58:00

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Entry tags:meme

Kid meme
A. Name
B. Zodiac 
C. Circumstances of Conception
D. PB/Psychical description
E. Five Random Facts

Realistic or not, go for it.

List of characters:

Thomas Kyle
Harry Reesen
Jai West

Martin Baum
Lena Jessen
Simon Davis
Vlad Rasputin
Brandr Fandralsson
Aleron Maximoff
Benjamin Parker

Bruce Wayne

Peter Parker

Bring it.

V2 add in:

DCNG: Jerry Boltiansky

Other than that everything's the same, go for it.

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2012-12-18 04:49 am UTC (link)
You told me to go for it, and now your regret begins!


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2012-12-18 07:18 am UTC (link)
A. Nicholas Rasputin-Worthington
B. Cancer
C. You see, there was a crazed scientist studying mutants and creating combos of various xmen. Most didn't survive the procedure or later failed initial testing but this one survived. A supremely awkward moment when they found him though.
D. Marcus Hedbrandh Photobucket
E. Five Random Facts

1. "So my one dad-" "Wait...you have two dads?" "Yeah. Oh I mean, one of them's not...you see see they're actually my Dads and not just my dads. You get what I mean." ...No Nicholas, they really don't.

2. Apparently consistently wearing clothes wasn't in the conditioning. Or something genetic. Because looking at the way Vlad and Gabe didn't seem to care how clothed they were marching around the mansion...

3. Belts out "I believe I can fly" like it's nobody's business. While in the shower. While in the pool. While eating icecream. And yes, while flying. It's his favourite song since he came out of the cloning pd.

4. The dads are pretty good about being...well, dads to him. Though Gabe and Nick like to bet on the number or times Vlad rolls his eyes at some of the looks people give them while the three of them are out. Apparently the dads make a cute couple.

5. He celebrates the day he got out of the cloning pd his birthday and the day his dads taught him to fly as their anniversary. No, it doesn't matter that they aren't a couple, they still need an anniversary according to him.

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2013-03-10 02:51 pm UTC (link)
Repost of picture: Nicholas Rasputin-Worthington photo marcus-hedbrandh_zpsd1193cc2.jpg

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