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Thomas Kyle

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App [06 Oct 2011|12:59am]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Sands


AIM: sands2279

Character Name: Thomas Kyle

Character LJ (if applicable): cantkeepmeout

Physical description (face, build, weight): 6’2, 185 pounds, intense blue eyes and black hair, athletic and lean build

Age: 18

Birthday: July 27

Codename (if using one): Robin but with changing universes and all, perhaps eventually a hero version of Red X

PB: (If using one.): Silviu Tolu


No superhuman abilities. Has been trained by the “bat family” and his mother since he was 6. Expert hand-to-hand, disguise, hacker, strategic planning, acrobatics, escape artist, and all forms of breaking and entering.

Weaknesses and flaws:

Same weaknesses as any normal, fit teenager of his age.

Despite all his training he has a bit of a inferiority complex when it came to his family. His training made him determined to be the best Robin but he always felt that he failed to measure up. He felt second best at everything. He was better at acrobatics than the other Robins, except the first. He was a great planner and strategist but the third Robin was still better. And so on. His only area where he had bested his predecessors was in breaking into things, be it buildings, safes, complexes, etc, all courtesy of his mother’s training. Thomas constantly tries to prove himself to his father that he is the best crimefighting partner. Even though his family thinks highly of his accomplishments and skills, he wants to be as good, if not better than them.

Growing up with a retired thief and a perfectionist made Thomas generally unimpressed by the older heroes as his view of them stems from hearing of their shortcomings from his father and because of learning of the other side of the law from his mother and her general disregard towards non-Gotham heroes. He gets along well within his own age group but finds it difficult to get along with the more experienced heroes. As a result he challenges authority when he sees fit. Although his personality is generally serious he has a mischevious side to him only those close to him see.

Character location/Home: Gotham

Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero

Team: None at the moment but he doesn’t want to join the titans since he led them in his universe (too many associations), YJLA maybe

Relatives (living/dead?): (All are alt universes) Bruce Wayne (father), Selina Kyle (mother), Dick Grayson (adopted brother), Jason Todd (deceased/ adopted brother), Tim Drake (adopted brother),  Barbara Gordon (sister-in-law)


The son of Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne, Thomas became his father’s pet project. It was decided that he’d receive education not only from Batman himself but all the associates he trained in order to perfect crimefighting. From Dick he learnt acrobatics, from Tim planning and detective skills, Cassandra taught him to fight, and Babs taught him all computer related skills. Thomas is particularly close to his mother who has taught him all the tricks of her former trade, he takes pride in it as his claim to fame, there’s no security system he hasn’t beaten. He’s still living in the shadow of his brothers though. He goes by his mother's last name since he was born before the two wed and he never desired to change it to Wayne.

He started off as Robin to his father’s Batman, leading both Young Justice and later the Teen Titans.
Crisis of infinite earths eventually came to his world, destroying Gotham and somehow sending an injured Thomas to another universe. He’s found injured and unconscious on the Wayne property.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: He finds after the destruction of his earth that he’s landed on Wayne property in a new universe, have him meet some bats before moving out of Gotham
What are you planning to do with this character? Have him build relationships with others, join a team
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Connect with his new bat family, find his identity as a hero, cope with being stuck in a new universe,  join a team, maybe meet his mom in this universe

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Test Scene [06 Oct 2011|01:04am]

First thing he registers: he’s face down in mud.
Never a good way to wake up, especially not in Gotham. Slowly he regains feeling in his limbs…and promptly he wishes he hadn’t. He aches all over, so much that he can’t tell where it hurts, just that it hurts all over.

With what seems to be a Herculean effort he manages to lift himself partially off the ground to figure out what fresh hell he needs to face now. He’s not quite recovered but in a split second he recognizes where he is. Wayne Manor grounds.

And for a brief moment he entirely forgets the destruction of Gotham and the sight of his universe crumbling before him as he groans.

“Unconscious on the grounds in Robin gear? Dad’s going to kill me…”

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