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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2012-02-06 21:50:00

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Thomas and Sarah- Meme- Angst- Seperation (AU)
She'd been gone for months without a word and with no way to trace her. Just vanished into thin air. Had it been anyone else he'd be mad that they could even pull that off without him finding them. But with her...well he'd admit he was more hurt than anything. If she was going to up and leave he'd expected...well at least a goodbye, or some note or something. Not just an empty place and no leads to follow.

Which is why she's the last person he expects to see when he drops by a supermarket in one of the smaller neighbourhoods on his way home. There's an initial moment of shock and then it hits him what she's buying and her...condition. He probably scares a few of the other customers by the way he stands there, eyebrow twitching in anger, and glaring daggers at the young woman innocently making her purchases.

He never makes it home. Instead he follows her, recklessly still in his civilian ID, as far as he can without alerting her to his presence to where she's staying. Still blinded by anger, he doesn't wait till it's completely dark and changes to Robin gear to sneak into her living room ahead of her.

A tall shadow looms behind Sarah's couch, eyebrow still twitching, as she enters.

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2012-02-09 08:40 pm UTC (link)
Oh she likely would never fix this. She cares about him which is why this is so hard to decide upon. She wants him in her life. He hasn't ever really pushed her.

She reaches to move him so he can see her.

"If I was stupid I'd lie to you. Tell you I would be happy just being friends but.... I was afraid you'd want just that. It's what's really bothered me since I ran.... because I care. I want you around but.... I don't want to push either. So I'll take what I can get."

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2012-02-09 08:56 pm UTC (link)
He still looks lost and rather hurt, and her non-answer doesn't help. "Sarah you're not pushing me...I like you okay? Just...I don't know if you do too and I like...us. So I'm saying if you wanted friends or something else that's...I'm okay with it just...make up your mind and tell me okay?" Great, was this his breakdown? Here in a parking lot, secretly glad the sunglasses hide his eyes, and just unable to make himself clear. He still wanted her with him, but he was so confused right now.

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2012-02-09 09:29 pm UTC (link)
"I'm terrible at saying what I really mean apparently." To hell with it. She figures he can't misinterpret this so she presses her mouth right against his. She lets the kiss linger for a few minutes or what feels like a few minutes to her.

"Does that clear things up for you?"

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2012-02-09 10:26 pm UTC (link)
Before that he'd been a confused and muddled mess. After...well just muddled and slightly less messy. He really hadn't been expecting that.

"So...I guess you don't hate me." He'd been awfully worried about that, more than he should be. You didn't rely on people this much, not if it could be helped.

Giving her a small smile he tenderly kisses her. It hits him full force how much he'd missed her. And to know she didn't hate him...this was far more like the reunion he wanted.

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2012-02-09 10:37 pm UTC (link)
"I couldn't hate you, just the opposite," she said softly.

Him kissing her again made everything hurt less. She hadn't expected this to go well at all. The fact it's going like this pleases her a great deal.

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2012-02-09 11:15 pm UTC (link)
This was certainly going better than he'd ever thought it could go. Sure, everything wasn't perfect, but they were a lot closer to what they'd been before all this had happened. He missed this a lot.

"I was worried about that," he admits, looking a tad embarassed.

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2012-02-09 11:18 pm UTC (link)
"What a coincidence," she mutters trying to hide a smile. Still she'll reach up to just lightly touch him.

This is now nice.

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2012-02-09 11:26 pm UTC (link)
The touch is welcome and in return he pulls her in as best he can given they're in a car and well, she's not as manouverable as she used to be, kisses her cheek and nuzzles into her hair a bit. He just wants her close now. "Don't leave again okay?"

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2012-02-09 11:32 pm UTC (link)
"I'll try not to," she says as she leans against him as best she can. She is though happy to try and hold onto him. Too bad the car is cramped.

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2012-02-09 11:38 pm UTC (link)
He frowns at her, "Not try. Do. Got it Foxy? Not letting you run again." Yes, he was back to calling her Foxy. It's a good sign.

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2012-02-09 11:41 pm UTC (link)
Both of her eyebrows go up. Oh he really wants her to stay.

"I may need some help," she confesses with a shy smile. She doesn't think she will but it's fun to tease.

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2012-02-09 11:50 pm UTC (link)
He really does. It hadn't been a good last few months. Although no doubt hers were worse.

"Guess I'll just have to keep you to myself I guess and not let you out of my sight," he manages to tease back.

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2012-02-09 11:53 pm UTC (link)
"But will there be handcuffs involved," she asks without missing a beat. Then just blushes slowly because she can't believe she just said that.

Oh dear this is awkward. Just act casual.

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2012-02-09 11:54 pm UTC (link)
Okay that has him amused. "Like always. What fun would it be if there wasn't some lock picking involved?"

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2012-02-09 11:58 pm UTC (link)
"Very sedate," she allows with a soft chuckle. It feels like she hasn't left. She can't stop herself from stealing a quick kiss.

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2012-02-10 12:05 am UTC (link)
He's smiling now and steals a kiss of his own. It's been a while since he's felt this happy, and it really did feel like she had never left. "Now that I know you don't hate me anymore...this makes today easier. Let's hit the shelf place and later maybe something to eat?"

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2012-02-10 12:16 am UTC (link)
"We'll need to pick up paint. Also brushes and stuff," she reminds him.

"I know this place near here that does good for prices." She bites her lower lip softly. "Food does sound good though. I admit that I'm starting to crave something but I'd rather see if we can find shelves first."

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2012-02-10 12:26 am UTC (link)
"Right, paint too," he says as he manages to untangle himself from her. "Like I said, food later. I need to go feed you don't I?" He throws her a smile, clearly happy at how this has turned out, and gives her a quick kiss again, taking advantage of them getting along so well, before starting the car again to head to the nearby store.

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2012-02-10 12:34 am UTC (link)
She has a feeling that they will be touching a great deal for a while. She won't say no. She very much enjoyed their cramped smuggle. She slowly extracted herself from the car and made sure it was locked before she followed after him.

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2012-02-10 12:40 am UTC (link)
He waits patiently for her and adjusts his sunglasses as they enter the store. "We looking for anything specific?" He glances around the store, he doesn't see anything he'll have a problem setting up but he's not sure what she has in mind really. He'll just go along with it for now.

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2012-02-10 12:49 am UTC (link)
"I'm not sure," she admits. "Something a little bright. Sturdy too. No Ikea products in that room."

She winked at him playfully and smirked softly as they got closer to the store. Of course seeing people had her tense and she hovered closer to him because she really didn't like not feeling at her best.

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2012-02-10 01:01 am UTC (link)
"About time you learnt that Ikea is no substitute for real furniture." Although he does turn a bit so she can't see that he isn't smiling as much as he normally would have at the playful joke. It just reminded him of this whole...situation.

He turns back after the moment passes and notices she seems nervous. Have to keep it together, at least for her sake. Thomas leans over a bit to whisper in her ear, "Recon and acquisition," he gently reminds her. "We're undercover and just scoping out the place. Raise no suspicions." He's trying to pull this off as a mission type thing, hoping it'll make her feel more comfortable.

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2012-02-10 01:14 am UTC (link)
"Well that and I don't like their idea of shelving," she admits.

That actually helps. She gives him a tiny smile and starts to look around to see if she could spot something that looked right for a nursery. There was a lot of stuff aimed towards teenagers and kids. Nothing that jumped out and said 'baby' to her.

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2012-02-10 01:20 am UTC (link)
He doesn't mention that the last shelves she had from Ikea had met an...unfortunate fate.

She'll find him staring and frowning a bit at some children's shelves with little birds all over them. Some of which resemble robins awfully closely.

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2012-02-10 01:26 am UTC (link)
"They have Flash themed shelves," she says in surprise.

That is just so weird. "Is that a Batman bunk bed?"

Oh now she's fighting a smile.

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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 01:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-10 01:38 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 01:42 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-10 01:51 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 02:04 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-10 02:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 02:28 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-10 02:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 02:37 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-10 02:40 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 02:49 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-10 02:53 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 02:54 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-10 02:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 03:01 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 03:16 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 03:30 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 03:46 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-10 03:50 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 03:55 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 05:42 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 08:18 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 08:26 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 08:55 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-10 09:02 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-11 12:01 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-11 12:29 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-11 12:38 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-11 01:02 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-11 01:10 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-11 01:44 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-13 04:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-13 04:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-13 04:48 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-13 04:55 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-13 04:58 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-13 05:04 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-13 05:09 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-13 05:17 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-13 05:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-13 05:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-13 05:56 am UTC

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