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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2012-02-06 21:50:00

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Thomas and Sarah- Meme- Angst- Seperation (AU)
She'd been gone for months without a word and with no way to trace her. Just vanished into thin air. Had it been anyone else he'd be mad that they could even pull that off without him finding them. But with her...well he'd admit he was more hurt than anything. If she was going to up and leave he'd expected...well at least a goodbye, or some note or something. Not just an empty place and no leads to follow.

Which is why she's the last person he expects to see when he drops by a supermarket in one of the smaller neighbourhoods on his way home. There's an initial moment of shock and then it hits him what she's buying and her...condition. He probably scares a few of the other customers by the way he stands there, eyebrow twitching in anger, and glaring daggers at the young woman innocently making her purchases.

He never makes it home. Instead he follows her, recklessly still in his civilian ID, as far as he can without alerting her to his presence to where she's staying. Still blinded by anger, he doesn't wait till it's completely dark and changes to Robin gear to sneak into her living room ahead of her.

A tall shadow looms behind Sarah's couch, eyebrow still twitching, as she enters.

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2012-02-08 03:43 am UTC (link)
He smiles a little at the kiss, glad she took that well. And he's not quite sure where they stand right now, he's sure they're both still a little mad at each other. But he doesn't know what she wants between the two of them. After this screwup of his...well he wouldn't be surprised if she didn't want that, or any part of him really.

Gently he lowers he so her head is resting in his lap, she's clearly exhausted and he knows he didn't help with that. He stays like that for a bit before asking,"Anything else?"

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2012-02-08 03:52 am UTC (link)
She sleepily readjusted herself against him. Yes her head was still in his lap but so was one of her arms and her other was flopped uselessly across a pillow on the couch.

"Nothing I can think of. 'M tired," she mumbles. She'll think to ask about allergies in case they pass on to the baby.

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2012-02-08 04:09 am UTC (link)
"Alright, if you think of anything just ask. I'll do my best." He doesn't realize he's been playing with her hair until now and abruptly stops. It was so confusing trying to figure out where they stood now that she was back, hopefully it only got easier.

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2012-02-08 04:16 am UTC (link)
The funny thing is him playing with her hair helped her really start to doze off. Him stopping brought her back to being somewhat awake.

"Should lay down in my bed," she mumbles softly.

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2012-02-08 04:22 am UTC (link)
"Yeah...you should. You're going to be more sore tomorrow if you stay like this. Come on," he says as he carefully helps her up. This has been a long night. He needs space to think now, figure out what he's going to do.

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2012-02-08 04:26 am UTC (link)
"All right," she mumbles sleepily agreeing with him. If he wants to help her to her bedroom she won't protest. She's pretty much dead on her feet.

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2012-02-08 04:30 am UTC (link)
Which is why he pretty much picks her up and puts her on her feet. Even like this she's still light enough he can do that. "First official night back in Gotham. You're not sleeping on the couch, especially not if I have a say."

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2012-02-08 04:39 am UTC (link)
That has her chuckle softly. She was glad he said that.

"Thanks." She toes her shoes off before she starts to sleepily move towards her bedroom. She's unsteady on her feet from being so tired. Part of her expects Thomas to hover just a touch.

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2012-02-08 04:44 am UTC (link)
After seeing the way she's walking he doesn't hover, he puts his arm around her and very nearly picks her up he's supporting so much of her weight. She wasn't going to be faceplanting on her floor on the first night.

"Looks like I'm going to be almost dragging you, I hope you don't do this every night."

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2012-02-08 04:47 am UTC (link)
"It'll get worse if I wake up from Morning sickness," she tells him in a soft quiet tone. She's starting to trust him again if she lets him get away with holding her like this as they go to her room.

"I stumble instead of shuffle."

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2012-02-08 04:56 am UTC (link)
He just frowns at her, "You don't exactly have the best balance right now, stumbling isn't a good idea." They get to her room, him half dragging her there, where he stops at the door and lets go so she can get to the bed herself. They haven't sorted through their issues yet, and this whole thing is a mess so he tries to keep his distance now by staying at the door of her room. He's not going to enter, just make sure she's fine.

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2012-02-08 05:01 am UTC (link)
"Yes well the bathroom isn't close enough when I'm not feeling well at night," she points out as she makes her way to the bed and tosses her coat into a chair in a corner of her room.

She climbs into the bed and starts to rearrange pillows so she'll be comfortable too.

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2012-02-08 05:10 am UTC (link)
Thomas stands at her bedroom door and waits to make sure she's settled in. "Need anything?"

He'll come check on her tomorrow, but right now he'll have to settle for the tracking devices he's placed on her coat while helping her here and another he snuck in a shoe of hers. There will be more of course once she's asleep or he gets the chance. He's not taking any chances when it comes to her running again.

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2012-02-08 05:20 am UTC (link)
"No. I'll be okay. I just need to catch up on sleep."She rubs her lower back and settles down so she can try that sleep thing.

She also does expect him to bug this place. She wouldn't blame him either. Plus it may make her safer.

"Don't bug the bathroom, please. I'd like my privacy there," she requests suddenly then just shrugs before settling down.

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2012-02-08 05:39 am UTC (link)
"Good night Sarah," he says as he turns to leave. He's not going to be responding to the shot about the bathroom.

He'll get started on bugging the place soon, then sensors of course so he can monitor comings and goings at all times, not to mention checking the security on this place a few times. She'd only been here one day and likely didn't have time, she really wasn't in the condition to do it anyway.

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2012-02-08 04:11 pm UTC (link)
She expected him to do something like that. Besides the fact she really couldn't check the roof access points at all right now.

She also expected to sleep the whole night. She was too tired not to at this point. Very quickly she slips off to sleep. She barely had time to mutter a good night to Thomas before she was out like a light.

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