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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2012-02-06 21:50:00

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Thomas and Sarah- Meme- Angst- Seperation (AU)
She'd been gone for months without a word and with no way to trace her. Just vanished into thin air. Had it been anyone else he'd be mad that they could even pull that off without him finding them. But with her...well he'd admit he was more hurt than anything. If she was going to up and leave he'd expected...well at least a goodbye, or some note or something. Not just an empty place and no leads to follow.

Which is why she's the last person he expects to see when he drops by a supermarket in one of the smaller neighbourhoods on his way home. There's an initial moment of shock and then it hits him what she's buying and her...condition. He probably scares a few of the other customers by the way he stands there, eyebrow twitching in anger, and glaring daggers at the young woman innocently making her purchases.

He never makes it home. Instead he follows her, recklessly still in his civilian ID, as far as he can without alerting her to his presence to where she's staying. Still blinded by anger, he doesn't wait till it's completely dark and changes to Robin gear to sneak into her living room ahead of her.

A tall shadow looms behind Sarah's couch, eyebrow still twitching, as she enters.

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2012-02-13 01:36 am UTC (link)
"...Well we've got one wall down. Let's call this a break?" He puts the ice pack to the side and helps her up before leaving to go find her popcorn.

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2012-02-13 01:40 am UTC (link)
She can't help that smile she flashes him. Then she moves to where she has that stuff hidden knowing Thomas will be busy tracking down where she keeps the popcorn.

"That works."

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2012-02-13 01:42 am UTC (link)
When he's done making the popcorn he brings a bowl of it back to her couch and sits down while smirking. "At this rate that room will take longer than we thought."

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2012-02-13 01:45 am UTC (link)
"If we don't finish today we can just cover the can and finish it tomorrow," she points out as she slips the DVD in.

"And by we I mean you. My back won't like me if I try 'helping' again. And I don't want you skipping out on your normal Robin stuff. At least you got a nap today."

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2012-02-13 01:51 am UTC (link)
"We'll probably have to do that." As she sits he offers her the popcorn.

Thomas chuckles a little, "Glad you agree, makes my job easier. And I usually don't skip Robin stuff, it'd be suspicious if I did." He swipes some of the popcorn. "The nap did help a bit..."

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2012-02-13 02:02 am UTC (link)
She perked up nibbling at a few pieces as she sat down next to him. She grabbed her remotes to turn the TV and DVD player on and hit play.

"You're going to love this," she promises. "I'm in disguise. Look for the little old lady with the pepper grey and black hair."

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2012-02-13 02:09 am UTC (link)
He chuckles and puts an arm around her. This felt nice, kind of like old times.

"Do I get to see you beat people?" He whispers it in Farsi in her ear and he realizes how long it's been since he's used the language.

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2012-02-13 02:18 am UTC (link)
"No. I wasn't going to risk anyone hurting the baby. Besides, I knew I could pull it off without fighting. Watch."

She leans against him carefully.

In the video the Old Lady is planting several small devices in the potted plants inside the building.

"See those? They give off smoke. The kind that sets off fire alarms. I rigged them up."

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2012-02-13 02:23 am UTC (link)
He can't keep the smirk off his face. What? It was 'his' thief and she was fighting crime. Well it counted as fighting crime technically.

"Can't wait to see this," there's a particularly mischevious smirk now.

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2012-02-13 02:36 am UTC (link)
She can't help but giggle the way he's so pleased. Or filled with mischief. Either reaction would please her.

"I loved it."

The Old Lady moved carefully through out the building. She looked like part of the cleaning crew actually. She set up several more of these on different floors as she made her 'rounds'.

Once she was done she tugged at a gaudy looking necklace hanging low around her neck. Smoke went off not just there but according to the video which showed several other floors the smoke went everywhere. Unusual enough that guards would quickly start crawling all over the whole building. There was no way anyone would escape.

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2012-02-13 02:41 am UTC (link)
He watches the old lady set up all her devices and when the smoke goes off there's dark but somewhat gleeful chuckling. And that mischevious smirk is there the whole time.

Sarah will be getting pulled into a kiss the moment he takes his eyes of the video.

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2012-02-13 02:52 am UTC (link)
She really doesn't mind. That had been a good clean job.Her arms loosely wrap around his neck and relaxes into the kiss. She doesn't think this will complicate things at all.

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2012-02-13 02:57 am UTC (link)
Them kissing was probably the most normal pre-running thing. There was far more that could complicate things, so he really doesn't see the problem with this. Plus she was crimefighting, that was rare enough that a few rules could fly out the window.

"I hope you don't mind but...you crimefighting is surprisingly hot..." Okay he's not annoyed about the painting anymore, this made up for that.

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2012-02-13 03:02 am UTC (link)
"Defiantly don't mind," Sarah said looking quite pleased. She had missed kissing him and this was very good.

"And it was a fun job," she added while snuggling into him. He's very fun to cuddle against.

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2012-02-13 03:09 am UTC (link)
It's been a lonely few months and having her back at all was a nice thing in his opinion. "Good to hear. Because it really is..." The video alone made him want to pounce her a bit, luckily he has enough self control to squash that desire for now.

"I can imagine," he smiles as he pulls her a bit closer. "Any other fun stories you're going to tell me?"

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2012-02-13 03:17 am UTC (link)
She's not quite ready for them to go back to that. Not just because of her pregnancy. The fact they could cuddle like this though did wonders for her.

"That's the most fun I had while traveling." She does offer him a grin. "I can tell you though that I heard quite a few rumors on counterfeit 1942 Chateau Bordeaux going on the black market. Not a big deal, just interesting."

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2012-02-13 03:25 am UTC (link)
Neither is he. And he knows he'd regret it if he entertained the idea, so he ignores it and just enjoys having her back.

"Really? Well if it's a good counterfeir it'll still go for a pretty high price. It's fun the things you find on the black market really. At least the art and jewelry black market is fun, I don't like the other ones."

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2012-02-13 03:29 am UTC (link)
"Neither does my Old Man. Our standard practice for some of the harder drugs or..... flesh trading is to shut it down. He hates that. He believes drugs enslave people and that everyone should be free to choose what they want in life. It's why he's not strictly a bad guy, I guess."

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2012-02-13 03:41 am UTC (link)
"Seems to be a common theme for thieves: people should be free to do what they want," he muses. He's thinking of his mother right now, and that described her attitude quite well. For a moment he wonders what she was doing at the moment in this world but quickly shakes his head to snap out of it. No good thinking these things, they were only depressing.

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2012-02-13 04:10 am UTC (link)
"I guess so," she agrees with a soft hum. She is starting to fully relax around him instead of just being mostly relaxed. The trip to the stores had been difficult because of the others there.

"Besides, it's fun."

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2012-02-13 04:21 am UTC (link)
He mumbles something in agreement and his fingers idly play with her hair. This was rather relaxing, and he missed this a lot.

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2012-02-13 04:44 am UTC (link)
"Mmm," she snuggles against him sightly. She's feeling sleepy right now. "Would you take me to bed?"

That probably sounds wrong.

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2012-02-13 04:48 am UTC (link)
Did she just...?

Thomas blinks for a moment then looks down at her very confused. "Uh...Sarah?" She couldn't possibly mean...especially not after. Oh great how did one flat turn down a woman like this? He didn't even really want to, just on principle and because...well you just didn't. Not with her. But he had to. Great...more dilemnas.

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2012-02-13 04:55 am UTC (link)
"I mean actual bed," she mumbles. She nuzzles up against him.

"I'm getting pretty tired again. I guess I still haven't quite gotten over the time zone difference yet. I still feel like I should be sleeping."

Yeah this sounds so much more innocent now.

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2012-02-13 04:58 am UTC (link)
That made more sense, and he's secretly relieved. He won't need to turn her down.

"Alright." He thinks for a moment then gives her a teasing smile, "Did you need to be carried?" He wouldn't mind if she did need it, she looked tired. And there was quite the time difference she was getting used to on top of everything else.

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(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-13 05:04 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-13 05:09 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-13 05:17 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-13 05:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]outfoxing, 2012-02-13 05:44 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-02-13 05:56 am UTC

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