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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
"Right, it just didn't occur to you that I could be of any help. I'm clearly not a factor at all, especially not one that could be useful to you. And no, of course you up and leaving without a word wouldn't hurt me, it's not like I mean anything to you." So the sarcasm comes out to try and hide how hurt he is, but it doesn't do a very good job.

He could get over it, and he somewhat knows this, but it's too fresh and so far she hasn't done much to dispel the fear that his suspicions that she didn't tell him were because...well she didn't think he could do anything for her. Or that he didn't matter. Great, the one person who didn't remind him he didn't belong and he actually liked and he wasn't even sure if she gave a damn about him.

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