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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
Thomas walks casually into the room, as if he hadn't just broke into the place and snuck in unannounced, dressed in civies with sunglasses on. He hadn't slept at all the previous night, in fact he'd only dropped by the manor to not arouse suspicion. So although he wore dark contacts under the sunglasses, his hair was his own, just styled differently. He wished he had time to do more but he was already running on the minimal sleep he normally got on patrol nights, plus the all-nighter after finding out about...her return.

Still he needed to keep an eye on her, so he'd hidden his Robin gear in a nearby safehouse and quickly changed to his disguise to come meet her. He still wasn't sure what he was going to do about all this. But one day at a time.

"Morning, sleep well?"

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