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outfoxing ([info]outfoxing) wrote in [info]cantkeepmeout,
"I can at least help you get the pan filled," she has grabbed a basket to fill with the brushes and edgers that they're going to need eyeballing them carefully.

She is very pleased that Thomas has scared the men off from looking at her. She's kind of shy right now because her confidence has taken a bit of a nose dive.

"Yeah." She's looking at the color pallets they have on display and points. "This is what we need. It matches the rest of my apartment. Can't believe they have to name it."

She starts to eyeball the cans of the brands of paint and goes to pick one up before thinking better of it. Not a good idea for her. "This one is what we want I think. Better get two cans, just in case. I don't think we'd use it but I'd rather have more than we need."

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