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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
"Right. Well that makes everything better doesn't it?" He knows he's becoming too sarcastic now but he needs to take out his frustration somehow, and property destruction was not a good option.

He puts on a rather accurate, if exaggerated, imitation of Bruce's voice and manner, "Thomas, Maria's been looking in on that club rather often, why?"
"Oh, she had a tip on some mob stuff we're working on."
"Thomas, do you know what this green mask Maria has is from?"
"Dunno, YJLA thing I heard. They're a weird lot."

He huffs angrily and just glares for a moment once he's done. "And now I have to clean up this mess," he growls, his mind already working on how he's going to have to deal with this.

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