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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2012-01-22 18:16:00

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Meme- Thomas and Maria- Betrayal
"Why'd you have to go tell him?!"
Great. This was just...argh. Here he thought he'd done a good job keeping it a secret, and even when Maria had found out he'd thought she'd keep it from Bruce the way he kept her secrets from the Boss too. "I've never breathed a word about your dancing to him," he hisses at her. "And you go right ahead and tell him about...why?!" Maria finding out about...whatever it was between him and the thief, he could live with. If only because he'd thought that she wouldn't go telling the freakin' Batman, because along with the intense disapproval he knew was coming he'd also get a heap of hypocritical lecturing. From the goddamn Batman! As if he'd never done the exact same thing.

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