The Technet are a group of interdimensional bounty hunters, willing to work for anyone, if the price is right. Their failure rate is somewhat high, but in the right circumstances, they are more than capable of getting the job done.
Partycrasher is the son of the interdimensional bounty hunter Gatecrasher, who menaced the original Excalibur and Captain Britain. The identity of his father is not known and anyone with an ounce of sense prefers not to even think about it due to the mental pictures involved. He is determined to make his mother proud of his accomplishments (and even has a bit of an inferiority/persecution complex because of her domineering ways), and to that end, has formed his own Technet.
Powers: Partycrasher possesses vast super-strength and durability, as well as having access to various pieces of extradimensional technology. When he is able to overcome his various psychosis, he is a reasonable, though not great, leader and strategist.
Ostensibly the Technet’s second in command, Courage speaks in a particularly archaic form of his native language that is translated as Shakespearian style English. A reasonably honorable individual, he tries to steer Partycrasher’s more despicable tendencies, but usually ends up getting hit for his trouble.
Powers: Courge is a master swordsman and wields a sword which can also fire energy bolts.
Quill speaks in a chittering, meeping language that no Earthman can understand, while the other members of the Technet appear to understand him just fine. The others often note how insightful he is, as well as speaking highly of his poetry.
Powers: Quill possesses the ability to fire razor-sharp quills from his body, which quickly regenerate.
Mitey Might
Standing only six inches tall, Mitey Might is very sensitive about his size and will perceive just about any use of words like “small, little, tiny, miniscule, etc” as insults and will go berserk on the person using them. Saying he has a hair trigger temper is putting it mildly.
Powers: Despite his small size, Mitey Might’s molecules are very densely packed, giving him tremendous durability and close to class 100 strength.
To call Spudd unintelligent is an insult to the unintelligent. This large, slow-witted, lumbering member of the Technet needs a nametag just to remember who is he. Nevertheless, his abilities make him a vital part of the team.
Powers: Spudd possesses the ability to teleport across interdimensional distances by opening warps in the fabric of space and time. Spatial calculations are the one area in which he is actually quite intelligent. He possesses significant strength and durability due to his bulk.
When Optic speaks, he pronounces “I” as “Eye”, though how anyone can tell this in a non-print based universe is not understood. As long as the money is good, he’s happy to be a member of the Technet.
Powers: Optic can fire a variety of beams from his singular eye, the total list of which has not been documented, but has include a heat ray, a freeze ray, a tractor beam, a paralyzing ray, a simple light beam, a concussive beam, and many more.
Bonk, who “HAS NO INDOOR VOICE”, is a loud, oafish brute of a warrior, who is utterly lacking in planning skills beyond “hit it until it stops moving.” He’s also the most likely to challenge Partycrasher when things are going poorly.
Powers: Bonk possesses super-strength and durability, the full extent of which is not known.
One of only two female members of the Technet, Jell-Belle speaks a gurgling language that only the other members of the Technet understand. She seems to have affection for Slimer, which is returned.
Powers: Jell-Belle possesses the power to to "soften" her opponents -- to the point where their bodies stretch and distort out of control -- with a touch. This affect is temporary and at its longest, has only lasted an hour, usually fading much earlier. Jell-Belle floats around by an unknown means.
The slow speaking Shroom is an intelligent fungal-based lifeform, and compared to his more high strung teammates, is very relaxed. This often causes them to become mad at him, escalating when he won’t return their anger.
Powers: Shroom can release spores which induce a hallucinogenic-like state in those who come into contact with it. He is immune to his own spores and cannot control or predict what a person exposed to them might see. The effects usually last no more than a half-hour, depending on the constitution of the person exposed and the duration of the exposure.
The croaking, frog-like Slimer is largely a coward, preferring not to enter the fight until his special abilities are needed. He appears to be in a relationship of some kind (best not to ask questions) with Jell-Belle.
Powers: Slimer possesses the ability to create mass quantities of a sticky slime-like substance that resists tearing, slicing, or temperature extremes, making it very good for trying people up. He also possesses great leaping ability, the ability to climb walls, and something of an amphibious nature.
Mixes his sentence order, Hoarder does. True to his name, he is. Greedy, he is, desirous of many things. Occasionally gets to keep, he does, prisoners taken after proof of capture given.
Powers: Hoarder possesses the ability to shrink anything he touches, to a maximum of 1/72nd its original size, with a progressive decrease in strength. This power is somewhat slow to take effect—to reduce a 6 foot tall man to 6 inches in height would take approximately five minutes of sustained contact. Though he can make this effect permanent, the effects wear off in a five minutes of time per one second of contact ratio under normal circumstances.
The chilly, cold-hearted Prysm, resembling a gemstone with arms and legs, is the team’s science expert, handling technical issues as they come up.
Powers: Prysm possesses the ability to absorb and redirect any form of energy directed at him.
This prissy robot functions as the team’s accountant, calculations odds of success and their profit margin. He rarely enters battle, preferring to serve in an advisory role, though occasionally enough yelling and threats from Partycrasher will compel him otherwise.
Powers: TI-81 possesses vast calculating power, able to deduce odds and do other calculations at lightning speeds with significant multi-tasking capabilities. He possesses flight capabilities and other built-in weapons, but rarely uses them.
Giggly and flighty, this insectoid member of the Technet will attempt to hit on virtually any male in existence (except for her own teammates), and seems to have unusual success in that regard. Of course, the males tend not to last long afterwards…
Powers: Lepidop possesses flight by means of her natural wings, and produces significant pheromones which promote attraction and lust in males around her (the effect and intensity of which varies depending on a number of biological factors). She also possesses the ability to drain mental energy from her foes with a touch, causing a loss of consciousness and, in stronger doses, temporary memory loss after consciousness is regained.