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Joseph Marko

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[11 Jan 2013|08:02pm]
Player Name: Dylan
Email: you've got it
Aim: you've got it

Name: Joseph Marko
Description: Joseph is tall, close to seven feet tall, well-muscled, with shaggy dark hair and what seems like a perpetual amount of stubble on his face.
Age: 26
PB: Tom Welling
Relatives: Cain Marko (father), Linda Lane (mother), Charles Xaiver (step-uncle), Lilandra (step-aunt), Starbridge (step-cousin)

Powers: Joseph is not a mutant, instead, his powers are entirely magical (albeit second generation magic) in origin. As the son of Cain Marko, he possesses theoretically unlimited super-strength and invulnerability, as well as the ability to further supplement that invulnerability with a magical force field.  Once he's set himself in motion, he is virtually impossible to stop through force.  He generally does not tire, nor require food, water, or air.

Abilities: Joe is a self-taught carpenter, electrician, mechanic, and plumber, and is quite capable of even working with advanced technology like the Shi'ar tech that runs the X-Mansion.

Weaknesses/faults: Joseph is particularly vulnerable to psychic attacks, not possessing armor or a helmet like his father did.

More importantly, where his father's powers were dependent upon destruction and aggression, Joe's abilities are strongest when his mind his clear and he is at peace.  The less focused and angrier he gets, the less powerful he becomes, bottoming out at still being physically tough (ie, shrugging off a punch from a normal person) and about as strong as Spider-Man.

Likewise, his momentum can be taken advantage of or redirected, and he can be knocked down or around if he is not actively prepared to resist an oncoming force.

Backstory: Always a thug and always in it for the money, Cain Marko nevertheless found himself growing a conscious when would-be employers began asking him to do things that even he would have found questionable, such as kidnapping a defenseless old woman (Madam Web) or bringing down the World Trade Center. It appeared that even the unstoppable Juggernaut has his limits. This growing moral center irritated his long time friend and partner, Black Tom Cassidy, and eventually led to the dissolution of their partnership.

Cain himself opted to turn himself in the authorities, voluntarily. Rather than imprisonment, the government opted to draft him into SHIELD, using him as part of an anti-super-villain task force. Much to his surprise, however, he found his powers slowly starting to wane. Though they could not be stripped from him completely, Cytorak could indeed strip his avatar of his unstoppableness, if he would not behave in the manner he wished. But even with the loss of some of his might, Cain was actually a happy man, for he had found love in a woman named Linda Lane, the lawyer who had first negotiated his plea agreement with SHIELD. It was Linda who even convinced him to bury the hatchet with his step-brother, leading to Cain briefly becoming a member of the X-Men. When Joseph was born and his powers waned further, Cain retired from heroics, opening a bar in Manhattan.

Joseph, meanwhile, eventually discovered that some of the magic that had made his father the Juggernaut had passed to him. To Cain’s chagrin, he enrolled at Xaiver’s, eventually becoming something of a fixture and older brother figure to many of the kids. He briefly left to pursue higher education, though that did not last. On the other hand, he displayed a natural aptitude for mechanics and made himself into a reliable pit-crewman for the X-Men, when not lending his strength to the cause or assisting with Danger Room sessions.

Events, however, will be bringing him into a new fold and a new team.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game: Exal plot

What are you planning to do with this character?:  No specific plans.  Joe's the team's Big Guy

What do you want to see happen with this character?:

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