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hermione j. granger

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May 16, 1997 [16 Jan 2008|01:52pm]
There is no simple way of beginning a journal entry such as this one. I know everyone must be feeling overwhelmed by grief and I...I feel the same way. Professor Dumbledore was one of the kindest, most intelligent men I've had the privelage of speaking with and I...I simply can't understand how something like this could happen! It's all too much. Such a waste.

I've spent most of today and yesterday with Harry and Ron. I know everyone is extremely curious about what's happened, and I know speculating is the next best thing. Everyone's been really sensitive so far, but over the next few days, I would sincerely appreciate it if everyone left Harry to himself. He's been through enough as it is, and the last thing he needs is to be given the Spanish Inquisition by his peers. Everyone's been so good so far, I'm not accusing anyone of anything. Just make sure to temper your curiousity with some respect for what he's seen. Perhaps come Monday, he'll be more willing to share what he's really happened. For the time being, I think we can all wait a little longer.

To Albus Dumbledore, 1920-1997: may you finally find the peace you so eagerly sought.

I'll see you all at the memorial service. Please let me know if there's anything I might do.
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May 14, 1997. [14 Jan 2008|06:00pm]
I can hardly believe that another year is coming to an end! This one was been quite interesting (to say the least) though I am happy to report that my studies haven't suffered! Only a few more months and I'll officially be beginning my final year at Hogwarts. Isn't that incredible? Honestly, sometimes it feels like it was only yesterday, to be completely cliched, that it all began.

I admit to being rather pre-occupied with Macbeth, as well as my school-work, at the moment. Though I only have the one scene, I want to make absolutely certain I get it perfect. Shakespeare was so deliberate in his word choice, it's hardly like the everyday vernacular we're used to. I suppose that goes without saying, but what I mean is that one simply mis-step or slip of the tongue and you've completely obliterated the entire meaning! I really can't imagine how much pressure you must be under, Cho! I would probably be going a little batty if the outcome of the entire play's success was on my shoulders! Of course, I'm sure Cho and Matty will both do a wonderful job.

Still. I can't help but feel like these last few weeks have been something of a waiting game. It just feels too quiet, do you know? I'm sure it's only that I've been spending most of my time in the library which, afterall, has stringent policies regarding noise levels.

Oh, and while I'm here: dodgeball can be extremely dangerous. So many chipped teeth have occured on account of it's being played, and I'd really highly reccomend that those of you considering it, consider something else. Frisbee is a perfectly decent alternative! It's much less likely you'll recieve a fatal head injury, I believe.
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continued from bushiest@gj [05 Jan 2008|12:23pm]
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