AU- Happiness really does exist
Mitzi was pretty bummed out the day following Ryan's departure, and she knew she'd never see him again. She barely knew him and all they'd done was kiss each other a few times, but something about not seeing him around hurt in a way she couldn't put into words. Pippi and Iris were awesome to her about everything, but her girls just couldn't help her with this one.
She needed to be on the streets tonight, trying to help people. Sure, she wasn't super-fast, or a warrior, or unbreakable, but she'd learned that she had a few tricks up her sleeve that she could pull, in addition to being able to throw a punch.
Still, as she went from rooftop to rooftop, she couldn't help but think about Ryan once again.
She went back to the alley she'd met him in, wanting to make sure she hadn't dreamed him up to fill other holes in her life.
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