Melissa Storm/Calamity (![]() @ 2010-06-29 22:45:00 |
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: De
Email: On File
AIM (if you have one): On File
Character Name: Melissa “Mitzi” Storm
Character LJ (if applicable): callmemissstorm
Physical description (face, build, weight): Mitzi Storm is 5’4 with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Age: 17
Birthday: October 5th
Codename (if using one): N/A
PB: (If using one.) Taylor Swift
Abilities: Mitzi has no actual superhuman abilities, though she has had access to one of the Pogalachian Power Gems. She is also trained gymnast and acrobat.
Weaknesses and flaws: Mitzi is something of a follower and has low-self esteem. She’s afraid of being picked on, but visits this behavior upon others so that they will not see her flaws.
Character location/Home: Keystone City
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Independent
Relatives (living/dead?): Annie Storm (mother, living) Unknown Father (living). Older Brother (living)
Backstory: Mitzi Storm is from a single mother home, her mother working at a Laundromat. She has a deep inferiority complex around her mostly upper-middle class friends, and is always trying to prove herself worthy of belonging, willing to take ridiculous risks to do so. Actually almost average intelligence, but low self-esteem and low common sense lead her to act dumber than she is to fit in.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: She’s a member of the Rainbow Raiderettes.
What are you planning to do with this character?: I’d like to reform Mitzi and see if she can become a productive person and possibly even a hero.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: I want to see Mitzi become a better person and possibly develop a power of her own. I’d also like to explore who her father is and if this is a good or bad influence on her life.
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