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Melissa Storm/Calamity

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AU- Happiness really does exist [29 Jun 2011|07:08pm]

Mitzi was pretty bummed out the day following Ryan's departure, and she knew she'd never see him again. She barely knew him and all they'd done was kiss each other a few times, but something about not seeing him around hurt in a way she couldn't put into words. Pippi and Iris were awesome to her about everything, but her girls just couldn't help her with this one.

She needed to be on the streets tonight, trying to help people. Sure, she wasn't super-fast, or a warrior, or unbreakable, but she'd learned that she had a few tricks up her sleeve that she could pull, in addition to being able to throw a punch.

Still, as she went from rooftop to rooftop, she couldn't help but think about Ryan once again.

She went back to the alley she'd met him in, wanting to make sure she hadn't dreamed him up to fill other holes in her life.

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Late Year Character Round-Up [28 Aug 2010|06:12pm]
This is the state of my DC Next Gen characters and where I plan for them to go.

Mitzi Storm: She started out as a temp character, but I saw something in her that made me pick her up. She's been a little slow to respond to me, but as I'm fleshing her background out a bit more, she's starting to sound as if she really wants to reform. She's going to hit a lot stumbling blocks along the way, and learning who her father is will alternately help and harm her, but I'm thinking it should be a wild ride for her.

Needs to Happen: I really need to get her more involved with other characters and show that she's trying to leave her bad ways behind her. She may eventually join the Shadowpact.

Plots: TBD

Status: Open for scenes.

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Mitzi Storm app [29 Jun 2010|10:45pm]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: De
Email: On File
AIM (if you have one): On File
Character Name: Melissa “Mitzi” Storm
Character LJ (if applicable): callmemissstorm
Physical description (face, build, weight): Mitzi Storm is 5’4 with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Age: 17
Birthday: October 5th
Codename (if using one): N/A
PB: (If using one.) Taylor Swift
Abilities:  Mitzi has no actual superhuman abilities, though she has had access to one of the Pogalachian Power Gems. She is also trained gymnast and acrobat.
Weaknesses and flaws: Mitzi is something of a follower and has low-self esteem. She’s afraid of being picked on, but visits this behavior upon others so that they will not see her flaws.
Character location/Home: Keystone City
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Independent
Relatives (living/dead?): Annie Storm (mother, living) Unknown Father (living). Older Brother (living)
Backstory: Mitzi Storm is from a single mother home, her mother working at a Laundromat. She has a deep inferiority complex around her mostly upper-middle class friends, and is always trying to prove herself worthy of belonging, willing to take ridiculous risks to do so. Actually almost average intelligence, but low self-esteem and low common sense lead her to act dumber than she is to fit in.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: She’s a member of the Rainbow Raiderettes.
What are you planning to do with this character?:  I’d like to reform Mitzi and see if she can become a productive person and possibly even a hero.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: I want to see Mitzi become a better person and possibly develop a power of her own. I’d also like to explore who her father is and if this is a good or bad influence on her life.

Please include a sample post/scene:

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