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Meme [13 Mar 2008|01:42pm]
The PB ME Meme!

It doesn't matter if you know what I look like or if you don't, but if you don't you can just base whoever you decide to PB me with on my personality OR I can show you a picture, I don't care.

But this is how it goes:

1) You link me to icons (or a picture) of the PB
2) You tell me why you chose that person
3) You tell me what fictional character you'd use me for (it can be a canon multi-fandom character -- i.e. Hermione Granger or Sally-Anne Perks, Storm from X-Men, Princess Leia from Star Wars, etc. --, or an original...)
4) I will do the same for you if you repost this meme in YOUR JOURNAL!
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[ viewing | March 13th, 2008 ]
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