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[06 Sep 2008|02:45pm]

I’ve put a Meggan PB poll (only two choices, and it’s currently a tie with one vote for each) over here, in my LJ.  If you happen to be registered over there, it would be great if you could vote.  I plan to close the poll either tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow evening.  It will more than likely be the latter, to allow people time to vote if they wish.

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[09 Jul 2008|05:44pm]
I’ve posted a RPG character poll over here, in my LJ.  I originally posted it here on IJ, but since more people are on LJ (and nobody was voting over here) than here, I put it over there.  Basically, it’s to help me decide which character to apply for over at X-Journal, since I have too many ideas.  You can vote for as many as you wish, and the poll will remain open until either this Sunday or Monday.  If you happen to be registered over there, it would be great if you could vote. 
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[27 May 2008|02:08pm]

I’ve posted a Catseye PB poll over here, in my LJ.  The one that I posted here on Insanejournal broke or something, so I moved all the options over to Livejournal.  If you happen to be registered over there, it would be great if you could vote.  I had planned on closing the poll tomorrow, but due to the technical difficulties and a few computer issues that I’m working on, I’ve changed it to Friday.  I’ll probably try to apply as Catseye early next week, as long as nothing else goes wrong with my computer.

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[24 Apr 2008|09:49am]
Over on Livejournal, I’ve posted a poll regarding who would work best as a PB choice for Pixie, aka Megan Gwynn.  It’s located over here, for anyone that wants to help out by voting.
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[25 Mar 2008|02:39pm]
 In an earlier post, I posted a link to a poll on Insanejournal regarding who might work for a PB for Meggan.  Since I found a couple other possibilities and it didn’t look like there were any votes over there anyway, I’ve deleted that Insanejournal post.  And now, if anyone has a Livejournal account and is interested, you can vote in the poll over here.
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Meme [13 Mar 2008|01:42pm]
The PB ME Meme!

It doesn't matter if you know what I look like or if you don't, but if you don't you can just base whoever you decide to PB me with on my personality OR I can show you a picture, I don't care.

But this is how it goes:

1) You link me to icons (or a picture) of the PB
2) You tell me why you chose that person
3) You tell me what fictional character you'd use me for (it can be a canon multi-fandom character -- i.e. Hermione Granger or Sally-Anne Perks, Storm from X-Men, Princess Leia from Star Wars, etc. --, or an original...)
4) I will do the same for you if you repost this meme in YOUR JOURNAL!
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Memes [24 Feb 2008|02:18pm]
Taken from velvetandlace, on LJ:

Give me a fandom and I'll tell you:

1. The first character I fell in love with:
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
3. The character everyone else loves that I don't:
4. The character I love that everyone else hates:
5. The character I would sleep with  anytime:
6. The character I'd want to be like:
7. The character I'd slap:
8. Favorite character:
9. Five favorite characters:
10. Five least favorite characters:
11. Character I am most like:
13. A pairing (or more!) I love:
14. A pairing (or more!) I despise:
15. Five favorite things about the fandom:
16. Five least favorite things about the fandom:

Any ideas for who would work for a PB for Meggan?

And another meme, taken from baobabble at Scribbld:

You give me any character or characters that I have played (past or present) and I will give you 1-3 links or images of alternate Played-Bys for the character. I might even explain the choice(s).

I’m trying to remember what fandoms I’ve been in that actually required me to find played-bys.  I think I’ve mostly been primarily in the X-Men fandom, and it’s been Wolfsbane, Shadowcat, Illyana Rasputin, and Doug Ramsey (not playing him right now, but plan to eventually).  Can’t think of anyone else right now.

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Meggan [20 Feb 2008|06:44pm]

I hope this works this time, since this is the second time I'm going to try posting.  The first time, the button to post vanished without a trace, so I had to refresh until it came back.  I'm cross-posting this from my journal over on LJ.

Next month when I start on that X-Journal application (once I’ve finished the Martha Jones as an Immortal fanfic) I’m going to have a back-up choice just in case it turns out that I can’t try for Nocturne, or if I can’t work her history out in a way that doesn't involve Scarlet Witch or Nightcrawler as her parents, or anything to do with alternate realities.  I settled on Meggan as that second option after reading the x_project meme, and getting quite a few ideas on how to get the character to return to Xavier’s.

To that end, as a back-up, I’ve been trying to come up with a PB for her.  However, since she never met Captain Britain as far as I’ve read in that game, she wouldn’t be the blonde she changed herself to.  And since she started out with brownish fur, I’ve gone around looking for someone that could work with brown or red hair, (or even blonde as a last resort) and that had Meggan’s air of innocence/joy.  I’ve started a poll over on Livejournal on the three I managed to scrape together--it’s located (after you scroll by the meme) here if anyone on my friends list wants to vote for one of the choices.  And if you think it should be someone else, vote Other, and write in who you think is better in the poll immediately following that one.

However, if you aren’t registered on Livejournal or just don’t want to use it anymore after their issues, and still want to vote for a PB choice, simply leave your comments here.

Also, regarding the Carey Mulligan option—does anyone know of any sites that have images and/or photoshoots or anything of her?  I’ve searched, and I haven’t found anything other than screencaps from her episode of Doctor Who.

Sidenote: Apologies to anyone that saw this posted when it was only half done.  I apparently hit something that on my keyboard that automatically posted it before I wanted it to.  Odd, since that's never happened with any other journal.
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Meggan [20 Feb 2008|06:44pm]
I hope this works this time, since this is the second time I'm going to try posting.  The first time, the button to post vanished without a trace, so I had to refresh until it came back.  I'm cross-posting this from my journal over on LJ.

Next month when I start on that X-Journal application (once I’ve finished the Martha Jones as an Immortal fanfic) I’m going to have a back-up choice just in case it turns out that I can’t try for Nocturne, or if I can’t work her history out in a way that doesn't involve Scarlet Witch or Nightcrawler as her parents, or anything to do with alternate realities.  I settled on Meggan as that second option after reading the x_project meme, and getting quite a ideas on how to get the character to return to Xavier’s.

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Poll [07 Feb 2008|08:27am]
I finally decided that I will eventually apply for Nocturne in X-Journal.  Now, I’ve started a poll over on LJ, to see which PB seems best for the character.  Each possibility has been altered so that they have the blue skin and yellow eyes of Nocturne.  Please go here and vote for which one looks like the best for the character.
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