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Callidora Ismene Black ([info]callidora) wrote,
@ 2008-02-01 10:51:00

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[Private to Nolan Avery]

It has come to my attention that you apparently took my request not in the spirit in which it was meant, but rather as an admonishment to end your discourse with my sister. I would hardly presume to such, Mr. Avery. I merely wished, for her sake and yours, that you would keep any commentary that might be deemed inappropriate by the majority between yourselves. If concern for the reputation of a sister who has quite enough said about her by the rest of our peers without throwing more fuel onto the fire doesn't seem sufficient motivation, perhaps you'll take into account that I meant only the best for your reputation as well.

I would deeply apologise that you had found my request impertinent if not for the much greater impertinence you showed in airing your grievances with my sister rather than me. Believe it or not, Mr. Avery, I'm not an unreasonable person; I'm merely trying to protect those I most care about in the best way I know how.

-Callidora Black
Head Girl

[The ink is smeared or watered down in several spots, presumably by tears.]

I'm only trying to keep everything under control! I don't want her to do anything irrevocable just to spite Mother, that's all, but she treats me like some sort of horrid monster and her friends go and defame me when they'd feel exactly the same if they cared for her at all! It's as if everybody but me wants to see her disgrace herself! And they would enjoy it, I'm sure, to see one of the daughters of the House of Black falter. Well, they can go after Cassopeia, then, or Lucretia, I don't care, just not Cedrella!

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2008-02-01 05:56 pm UTC (link)
You know, you could have saved yourself a deal of time by, instead of writing me a treatise on why you were not apologising, simply not apologising.

I would thank you to allow me to see to my own reputation; you will find that while it may certainly not be as spotless as your own, it is certainly more interesting. I happen to prefer it that way, and I have brought no lingering dishonour on myself or the Avery family. I do, in fact, know when lines are being crossed, and my mother did in fact instill in me a modicum of discretion. I would not, for instance, ask your sister in public viewing when our next illicit romantic rendezvous was to occur - that is all done in private, of course.

Nevertheless, Miss Black, you are my friend's sister and I hold your family as well as yourself in high esteem. Please accept my apologies for offending your sensibilities, and in the future I will endeavour to keep my indiscretions from your delicate eyes.

Your humble servant,
Nolan Lysander Avery
filius Nigel Avery
filius Norbert Avery
filius Niles Avery
filius Nathaniel Avery
filius Nicholas Avery
filius Nero Avery (may his name be revered)
Slytherin Prefect

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2008-02-02 01:58 am UTC (link)
Similarly, you might have saved us both a great deal of time by simply saying no when I made my request. Are you quite done mocking me in ways that you believe I'm too pretentious to understand? Or shall I pause here to let you get a few more barbs in? I suggest you incorporate more italics into your prose, that will make your disdain quite clear.

-Callidora Ismene Black

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2008-02-02 02:04 am UTC (link)
If you read carefully, you will notice that I in fact agreed to your request and have no intention of breaking our agreement. Thank you, however, for making such egregious assumptions about my moral character.

Respectfully yours,
Nolan Avery

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2008-02-04 04:55 pm UTC (link)
They hardly seem egregious in context. Do you deny that there was an element of mockery in your missive? If so, I can only assume that you are paying your own words far less than the attention they deserve.

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2008-02-04 07:13 pm UTC (link)
I cannot deny an element of mockery; it was the bit of sweetness I needed to swallow your bitter pill. In any case, I find it difficult to restrain myself from a good bit of mockery.

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2008-02-05 12:03 am UTC (link)
Then I truly fail to see how my 'assumptions about your moral character' were in any way egregious. I have honestly tried to be polite to you; if you are unable to extend the same courtesy to me, I see no reason not to call you on it, or indeed to continue this or any other conversation.

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2008-02-05 04:36 am UTC (link)
I'm afraid that in my own way, I am extending you the very same courtesy that I show to your sister, or any of my friends. A conversation with me is never free from the threat of mockery. I must say, however, that I am distressed by your threat of ending all contact between us. I would hate to lose the pleasure of your conversation (and you may detect a hint of mockery in my words, but I assure you to the best of my ability, which I recognize may be small, that none was intended).

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2008-02-05 04:41 am UTC (link)
[Very long pause.]

The circumstances might have warranted a bit of restraint, Nolan. Gentle mockery has its place, but that place isn't in a serious conversation.

It wasn't intended as a threat. Merely an observation. Please excuse my harsh tone; I have a lot of things on should have kept a better watch over my own words.

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2008-02-05 04:55 am UTC (link)
I am pleased to hear of your (if I may be so bold) rescinded threat observation. I will do my best to control my natural tendency toward jest in the future.

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2008-02-05 05:00 am UTC (link)
Thank you.

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