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Callidora Ismene Black ([info]callidora) wrote,
@ 2008-01-13 19:31:00

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I would like to issue a gentle reminder that all students are expected to be in their respective Common Rooms by eight o'clock pm. Students caught in the school proper or on the grounds between the hours of eight pm and seven am will be turned over to the caretaker for discipline. If you wish to avoid throwing yourselves upon Mr. Pringle's mercy, do respect the curfew.

[Private to Blacks]
I'd also like to mention that petty <i>public</i> in-fighting is extremely damaging to the family entire. Our fathers and mothers would be ashamed! It's exceedingly simple to hex things private; I suggest that, if you've something to discuss with a Black within the confines of these journals, you use those hexes rather than exposing us all, yourself included, to the censure of the less fortunate by causing the family Black to seem ill-bred.

[Private to Cedrella and Charis]
Maybe Cassiopeia will get the hint. I'm sure she won't stop being utterly vile at every opportunity, but maybe she won't publically embarrass the name with it.

[Private to Charis]
I'm getting very worried about Ced and that Weasley boy, aren't you? If she doesn't start paying more heed, the parents are going to find out and you know what will happen the

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