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Callidora Ismene Black ([info]callidora) wrote,
@ 2008-03-01 11:12:00

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I've had an owl from mother. I've- I've seen her angry, of course, but never incoherent. I knew she'd be...but I didn't expect she'd be quite like this.
She says Cedrella is no longer my sister and if I have any respect for the family I'll never acknowledge that she ever was.

I don't think- no, I know I can't do that. I can hardly just- but what if she means it? What if she disowns me, too, for caring about Ced anyway?
I wouldn't have anywhere to go.

[Private to Charis]
Did Mother owl you?

What on earth are we going to do?
I can't do what mother wants, Charis, I can't, Ced's my best friend, she's my only friend besides you, but I can't-
I have to be a Black!

Where are you? I need you, Charis.

No running in the corridors! We are students, not hooligans!

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