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Callidora Ismene Black

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Posted on April 26th, 2008 @ 2:02pm
[Private to Harfang Longbottom]

We might as well make the best of a bad situation

That is to say

If you were the sort of gentleman I should be marrying, I wouldn't have to be the one to

We should have lunch. To discuss our situation. If it pleases you to do so.

Do please let me know if you're so inclined, and if so, a good day for you.

Merlin, this is humiliating.

There. I've done it. I am going to discuss things with Mr. Longbottom. Perhaps we may reach an accord.

Wish me luck?
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Posted on March 11th, 2008 @ 5:01pm
[Private to Charis. Originally hexed to Cedrella too, but then Dora remembered that Ced doesn't want to talk to her and canceled that part of the charm.]

Harfang Longbottom.

[Private to Harfang Longbottom]
Do you know about this?
I feel that I must assure you, I have no hand in
You'll tell your parents you don't want this, won't you? Surely you can disobey them, the Longbottoms haven't even got a tree!
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Posted on March 3rd, 2008 @ 11:05pm
[The hex is now fixed, and is strong enough to make your teeth fall out if you try to break it.]

It's not fair! It's not a name on a stupid rotting tapestry that makes her my sister and I won't listen to any more of mother's ranting and this is absurd! I can't do this! I always thought the family was the most important thing and it would take care of us and it was right but if it wants me to abandon my sister! I just don't know any more.
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Posted on March 1st, 2008 @ 11:12am
I've had an owl from mother. I've- I've seen her angry, of course, but never incoherent. I knew she'd be...but I didn't expect she'd be quite like this.
She says Cedrella is no longer my sister and if I have any respect for the family I'll never acknowledge that she ever was.

I don't think- no, I know I can't do that. I can hardly just- but what if she means it? What if she disowns me, too, for caring about Ced anyway?
I wouldn't have anywhere to go.

[Private to Charis]
Did Mother owl you?

What on earth are we going to do?
I can't do what mother wants, Charis, I can't, Ced's my best friend, she's my only friend besides you, but I can't-
I have to be a Black!

Where are you? I need you, Charis.

No running in the corridors! We are students, not hooligans!
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Posted on February 20th, 2008 @ 9:50am
I'm so scared for her, Charis.

I know it's not about me. I'm only scared, Ced. For you. And I'm going to miss you so much.
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Posted on February 4th, 2008 @ 9:12pm
[Private to Harfang Longbottom]
Mr. Longbottom,

It seems Miss Riley has come down with some sort of muggle disease an illness and is spending the evening in the Infirmary. Obviously, she won't be able to do Rounds with you tonight. I thought it prudent to let you know that I'll be picking up the assignment instead.

I shall see you at seven-thirty at the staircase.

-Callidora Black
Head Girl
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Posted on February 1st, 2008 @ 10:51am
[Private to Nolan Avery]

It has come to my attention that you apparently took my request not in the spirit in which it was meant, but rather as an admonishment to end your discourse with my sister. I would hardly presume to such, Mr. Avery. I merely wished, for her sake and yours, that you would keep any commentary that might be deemed inappropriate by the majority between yourselves. If concern for the reputation of a sister who has quite enough said about her by the rest of our peers without throwing more fuel onto the fire doesn't seem sufficient motivation, perhaps you'll take into account that I meant only the best for your reputation as well.

I would deeply apologise that you had found my request impertinent if not for the much greater impertinence you showed in airing your grievances with my sister rather than me. Believe it or not, Mr. Avery, I'm not an unreasonable person; I'm merely trying to protect those I most care about in the best way I know how.

-Callidora Black
Head Girl

[The ink is smeared or watered down in several spots, presumably by tears.]

I'm only trying to keep everything under control! I don't want her to do anything irrevocable just to spite Mother, that's all, but she treats me like some sort of horrid monster and her friends go and defame me when they'd feel exactly the same if they cared for her at all! It's as if everybody but me wants to see her disgrace herself! And they would enjoy it, I'm sure, to see one of the daughters of the House of Black falter. Well, they can go after Cassopeia, then, or Lucretia, I don't care, just not Cedrella!
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Posted on January 13th, 2008 @ 7:31pm
I would like to issue a gentle reminder that all students are expected to be in their respective Common Rooms by eight o'clock pm. Students caught in the school proper or on the grounds between the hours of eight pm and seven am will be turned over to the caretaker for discipline. If you wish to avoid throwing yourselves upon Mr. Pringle's mercy, do respect the curfew.

[Private to Blacks]
I'd also like to mention that petty <i>public</i> in-fighting is extremely damaging to the family entire. Our fathers and mothers would be ashamed! It's exceedingly simple to hex things private; I suggest that, if you've something to discuss with a Black within the confines of these journals, you use those hexes rather than exposing us all, yourself included, to the censure of the less fortunate by causing the family Black to seem ill-bred.

[Private to Cedrella and Charis]
Maybe Cassiopeia will get the hint. I'm sure she won't stop being utterly vile at every opportunity, but maybe she won't publically embarrass the name with it.

[Private to Charis]
I'm getting very worried about Ced and that Weasley boy, aren't you? If she doesn't start paying more heed, the parents are going to find out and you know what will happen the
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Posted on January 3rd, 2008 @ 7:10pm
I saw pale kings and princes too. )
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