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cabotine - [Private to self]
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[Private to self]
I can't breathe. I want my mom. I want my mom. I want my mom.

Please find her. PLease, please please let her be ok.

I can't sleep. I hate Tim, he makes me feel like everythings my fault, which is probably is. Dad is a mess even if he's not showing it. Everything's so wrong right now. And I have all this planning and everything for all the stuff thats coming up. Keegan and my 1 year anniversary. Finals and end of term things. Starting to plan for schedule thigns next year. I just can't concentrate. All I want to do is go look for her and I dont even know where.

All I do is go to class, look for her, and pray. I feel terrible but... I don't have anything else. Every day that passes is... it just makes it harder.

I'm trying not to wake Frankie with the crying all the time.

Please.... if anyone out there is still listening... And I know you are, I just...

Lady, don't take my mother from us. Please. I beg you.
From: (Anonymous) Date: February 26th, 2014 01:07 am (UTC) (Link)


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Name: cabotine
Back October 2011
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