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cabotine - Extra help?
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Extra help?
So I know that most people (normal ones) aren't thinking about this right now, but we're only a couple of months from the end of the term and the end of the year. With that in mind, if there is anyone who needs any help in writing papers or with classwork, I would be willing to offer my services in exchange for some form of compensation.

Like money. Please let it be money. This anniversary thing has me in over my head now >.<

Just let me know what you need help in, and if I can, I'll make arrangements with people. Good luck everyone.
whodoo From: [info]whodoo Date: April 13th, 2011 02:36 am (UTC) (Link)


Think you can handle senior Latin and Spell theory, as well as other tricks to pull decent marks on the finals?
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: April 13th, 2011 02:41 am (UTC) (Link)


I definitely think that I can, yes. Those are my two best subjects at the moment. I also have more than a few tricks to teach with this much time before finals.

Would you like to meet for a preliminary session and you can determine if I'm good enough to suit you?
whodoo From: [info]whodoo Date: April 13th, 2011 02:45 am (UTC) (Link)


Sounds good. Let me know when a good time is. We'll figure out payment if this will work.
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: April 13th, 2011 02:47 am (UTC) (Link)

Re: Rowan

After dinner on Thursday? Sonnier common room? I will be free then.
whodoo From: [info]whodoo Date: April 13th, 2011 09:47 pm (UTC) (Link)


Works for me.
itsnotjessica From: [info]itsnotjessica Date: April 13th, 2011 11:19 pm (UTC) (Link)
I guess I could use an extra push in charms.. I'm kinda dragging my ass, but goddamn that class is shit sometimes.
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: April 14th, 2011 12:12 am (UTC) (Link)
Whatever you need! When is a good time for you? I can work around practices and such.
itsnotjessica From: [info]itsnotjessica Date: April 14th, 2011 12:34 am (UTC) (Link)
Uhhhhh, how bout Sundays? I don't usually do shit on Sundays except throw up so maybe then. I'll try to not drink the night before!
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: April 14th, 2011 01:10 pm (UTC) (Link)
Sundays work for me, for the most part. We can start up this weekend if you like? Maybe in the hour before dinner?
itsnotjessica From: [info]itsnotjessica Date: April 15th, 2011 01:51 am (UTC) (Link)
How about after dinner? I can't think on no empty gut..
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: April 15th, 2011 02:19 am (UTC) (Link)
Hahaha I should have thought of that :) No problem, after dinner works just fine for me.
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Name: cabotine
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