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Vernique Denning ([info]butterflybullet) wrote,
@ 2012-02-02 19:35:00

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AU: Three's Company
Kael had been living with and fighting beside them for quite a while. He and Vernique enjoyed enjoyed the... benefits package she'd extended to him some time back.

While the little family was happy, Svalin continued to 'live like a battle-oriented nun,' as Vernique tended to put it to herself. One day, while Solver was out for the day with Sydney, Zoey, and Marlow, she managed to corner her wife. "I want to talk about something."

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2012-02-08 11:28 pm UTC (link)
Vernique grants the sentiment her best Liza-Minelli-imitating "MmmHMMmm."

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2012-02-08 11:42 pm UTC (link)
"Thank thee," she said to both as she moved off the bed.

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2012-02-08 11:47 pm UTC (link)
"It was my pleasure, Lady Svalin," he said earnestly.

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2012-02-08 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"Thank you ... And we'll have to see about getting the bed fixed or replaced tomorrow."

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2012-02-08 11:52 pm UTC (link)
"I art sure it wilt not be difficult," Svalin said as she started getting dressed.

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2012-02-08 11:56 pm UTC (link)
"Lady Svalin, did I..please you?" he asked tentatively.

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2012-02-08 11:57 pm UTC (link)
"And here I thought you insanely long-lived types all had good ears."

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2012-02-08 11:57 pm UTC (link)
"Aye, greatly," she answered honestly.

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2012-02-09 12:01 am UTC (link)
"True, Vernique, but often it is nice to hear such things after moments of passion as well as during the acts themselves." He smiles. "Thank you."

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2012-02-10 10:12 pm UTC (link)
A kiss on Kael's cheek, and, as they both get their clothes on, a hug for Svalin. "Great."

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