OOC Information
Player name: Amie.
Player age: Twenty-two.
Time zone: AST.
Character Information
Full Name: Alexandria Ava Quentin.
Nick Names: Alex, Aly, Lexie, Lex, Queen Bitch.
Hometown: Albany, New York.
Age and Birthday: Sixteen [July 20th; 1995].
House and Year: Junior in Shenandoah.
Boggart: Her father being held at wandpoint.
Riddikulus: Her mother being held at wandpoint instead.
Patronus and why: Alex's patronus charm appears as a black jaguar. These animals represent releasing fear, empowering oneself, and moving onto unknown places. They are also related to understanding and appreciating chaos.
School Information:
Wand: Swishy poplar with a core of veela hair, nine and a half inches.
Electives: Magical Crafting, Combative Magic, Advanced Potions I, & Wandless.
- Events Committee.
- Dueling Club.
- Debate Team.
- Quodpot [Center/Noseguard].
Strongest Subject: Combative Magic.
Weakest Subject: Astronomy.
Animagus form, if applicable N/A.
Family and Relationships
Parents: Dimitrius Quentin [Father; Pureblood] & Marisol Quentin [née Torres, Mother; Muggleborn].
Siblings: Marcos Quentin [Younger Brother; Thirteen].
Extended Family: Loads of cousins on her father's side, several of which she goes to school with. She and Dani [shenandani] are first cousins.
Familiar: None. She isn't a big animal lover, and they don't seem to like her much either.
Sexuality: Fluid, basically whatever works. Sex is a weapon.
PB: Naya Rivera.
Physical Description:
Alex's hair is long and dark, reaching down past her shoulders and to the middle of her back. She parts it, usually, to the right and keeps a little bit of a side bang going. She loves to spend time playing with her hair and using a thousand products and potions to supposedly improve it, though she usually wears it pretty plain. Down or pulled tightly back into a ponytail is her typical style. Her hair tends to either be fully straight, or with very light curls in the last few inches.
She has a complexion lighter than more of her father's side of the family, with her mother's Puerto Rican heritage showing through more than anything else. She is at least a little bit darker than her younger brother. Her skin is kept in the best shape, from perfect tan to perfect skin tone, Alex very rarely breaks out or has an issue with belmishes. She's been using the same potion for her skin for years and she stands by it.
Her eyes are dark brown, accented by long lashes and slender eyebrows. She has a pointed chin, slightly chubby cheeks, pouty lips, and ears that she feels stick strangely out of her hair if she doesn't brush it over them right. She stands at five feet and seven inches with a surprisingly athletic physique for someone who takes Quodpot as a joke. If nothing else, it does keep her in shape, though she'd much rather be getting her athleticism from cheerleading or something. She has no piercings or tattoos yet.
Alex is ever the girlie girl and loves makeup and fashion, and her sense of style is somewhere caught between a proper-young-lady and a harlot. Her style is feminine and cute, but definitely not always appropriate, especially for the classroom. She loves skirts, dresses, boots, flats, and always seems to have some bit of jewellry or something on her.
Likes: Lying, getting her way, winning, her father, power, dangerous spells, disorganization, dark magic, chocolate frogs, texting, annoying her cousin, destruction, trouble, Shenandoah, having attention paid to her, being beautiful, manipulating others, Charlie, nannan Quentin, stretching the truth, chaos, dueling, drinking, being right, being the best, taking things too far.
Dislikes: Quodpot, most animals, losing, her mother, uncouth people, overly hot weather, bad hair days, idiots and idealists, prefects, tattletales, people with their heads in the clouds, houses other than Shenandoah, muggles, mudbloods, grape juice, video games, getting all tired out for no good reason.
- Isn't above cheating, especially in duels or fights.
- Spreads rumors like it's her job.
- Makes it known that she doesn't really like muggles, or muggleborns for that matter.
- Lies tend to slip out of her like exhales. She does a pretty good job of keeping her list of bullshit in order, but sometimes she lies about things, stupid little details, and she isn't even sure why she bothers.
- She mostly can't stand living in Georgia, and hates the brutal heat. She loves to be back home in NY where the weather isn't constantly on broil. It's nice to be able to wear coats once in a while.
- Has always had an extremely terrible relationship with her mother, and more or less writes the woman off as if they are barely even family. It also particularly drives her insane that her mother can't just speak proper English and is always prattling off at her in lightning speed Spanish. She doesn't understand how after almost seventeen years in America, the woman still struggles with learning a second language. She speaks fluent Spanish herself, but it's still so embarrassing when her mother does that in front of people.
- Texting is one of the few things that she loves and still has to give muggles credit for. It's much more convenient than owling.
- Only joined the Shenandoah Quodpot team because her father offered her a brand new racing broom and a new car for her sixteenth birthday if she did it. Alex, who had always wanted to be a cheerleader, still couldn't pass up an offer like that regardless of what she wanted. She pushed herself to her physical limit, working hard at something non-destructive for once, and surprising many in making the team on her first try. Her dad's school glory days reputation may have helped slightly. Once she was a member, however, she began skimming by with the bare minimum and an apologetic pout. She often misses practices, or is distracted during games, more concerned with her phone.
- Thinks that the other houses, particularly those loser dreamers in Shawnee, are garbage in comparison to Shenandoah. In her opinion, being sorted anywhere else just means you might as well not even come to school.
- She is her grandmother Quentin's favorite grandchild, sixteen years running.
- The fact that her mother was born in San Juan, the same city as Ricky Martin, is the only thing about her that Alex finds even remotely interesting. It's nothing special, but it's better than nothing.
- Her dad has only yelled at her/been angry with her one time in her entire life so far.
- She, along with several other people in the Quentin side of the family, harbors suspicions that Dimitrius is not Marcos real father. Though she knows that skin color can occur in varying shades when it comes to mixed heritage, something about her little brother is just way too white.
- Her best friend Charlie Baker is the only person other than her father that she has a soft spot for, or is ever really honest with. Sometimes she is still meaner than she should be to the other girl, but she always ends up feeling bad about it at once.
- Her father has made her the same offer regarding university that his parents gave him. So long as she can get into it, she can attend any college she wants, regardless of cost or distance. What she hasn't told her father yet is that she doesn't want to go to university after next year.
- Her own mother and best friend are muggleborns. She hides this reality as if it's life or death. The only people who would actually know are Dani and of course, Charlie herself.
- She honestly feels that her mother doesn't deserve her father. She knows how much her father wanted to go to school and be a professional Quodpot player, and technically she ruined that for him. In Alex's eyes, anyway.
- Despite the perfect little princess act that she presents for her father and paternal grandparents, Alex is entirely a hell raiser. She loves fighting, whether it's verbal or physical, and loves a good party as well. She is much more wild than anyone in the Quentin family might believe her to be, most of them just viewing her as a stupid spoiled brat, which is almost more dangerous.
- Has considered killing certain people, but figures that she would never be able to get away with it in school and a date with wizarding jail doesn't sound too promising.
- Worries that her dad might start liking Dani better than her if he saw how good she was at Quodpot. Tends to be particularly aggressive and try to out show off her cousin when their fathers come to games.
- Writes her grandmother almost every other week complaining about Dani.
Amortentia Smells Like: Her father's cologne, roses, & smoke.
Strengths: Cunning, willing to do anything to win, talented with jinxes and curses, surprisingly excellent flyer, determined, confident, articulate, knows loads about fashion and hair styling, adapts well to different situations/social circles, manipulative, excellent at coercing others, plays the victim quite well.
Weaknesses: Backstabber, dishonest, arrogant, stubborn, spoiled, cruel, doesn't trust easily, stuck up, rude, often found abrasive by others.
Detailed Personality: There is no better way to describe Alex Quentin than daddy's little princess. Being her mother and father's only child for the first three years of her life set in motion a bratty attitude that she would never shake, even after her brother was born. She has always been more than a bit greedy, entitled, and spoiled. She has always been the apple of her father's eye and neither of them make any attempt to disguise that fact.
Alex has had almost everything handed to her in life, usually straight out of her father's pocket, and she isn't keen on that ever changing. She loves to get her way, and can be an absolute miserable pain if she doesn't get it. She's prone to tantrums, whining, and fighting, and isn't above verbally berating someone for no good reason if she's in a bad enough mood. She tends to hold grudges and doesn't hesitate to exact revenge on others. In fact, she can be quite vindictive and catty, and chances are that if you cross her, she'll be back for you.
Mocking others is one of her favorite pass times, and nothing thrills her quite like good gossip and a catty remark or two. She lives to prove that she is better than everyone around her, and stepping on people along the way is just part of the territory. She thinks very highly of herself, and she very lowly of most others. Her ego is extremely large and she has no issue taking credit for the hard work of other people if she thinks that she can get away with it. Especially in Quodpot.
She is generally sort of cold and selfish, other than the scant about of affection that she has to offer; reserved for her father and for Charlie. With them, Alex genuinely acts like a different person, a kindness and respect that she shows to no one else. While she is willing to trample over anyone else to get her way in life, these two seem to be seemingly exempt. Charlie and her father are extremely important to her.
Despite her otherwise nasty nature, Alex has had plenty of practice on playing the part of false innocence. Around the majority of her family and the staff of the school, when she can, she is just the perfect image of smiling sweetly and angelic. She can act truly appalled at being accused of misbehaving, even when she was just jinxing someone. Never a swear word or a hair out of place, she had no trouble adapting to the part on command. At least until she can escape and get back to how she really feels. She doesn't mind putting up this facade, it almost sort of amuses her that other people tend to just eat it up.
Personal History
Dimitrius Quentin, much like his older brother Markus, has always been the spitting image of the perfect momma's boy, even now as a full grown man. Perhaps the way his parents spoiled him was inspiration behind how he spoils his own daughter now, but one can really only assume. Coming from a notable and affluent line of purebloods, Dimitrius was popular and handsome in high school. He attended Blue Ridge as his choice of education, just like his brother and all of their other relatives before him. He was a laid-back playboy who loved sports and played quarterback for the Shenandoah Quodpot team, winning the cup by the skin of their teeth every year that he played for them until graduation.
With everything he wanted in life more or less handed to him every day, Dimitrius grew bored. He decided to branch out on his own after finishing school, choosing to travel to a city called Ponce in Puerto Rico. This was the location of an old and well respected wizarding college recognized for their stellar Quodpot team, and the first choice he decided on after his parents allowed him the option to attend university anywhere he wanted.
Speaking very little Spanish, the first thing that Dimitrius did was find the cutest girl he could at the first party of the year and ask her if she could assist him in learning enough to get by. This girl, a native of San Juan who was charmed by him almost immediately, was Marisol Torres. Or just Mar as he began to call her.
They began to see each other regularly, and Dimitrius was only just barely done his first semester when Marisol told him that she was pregnant. Panicking, Dimitrius told his mother without thinking of the consequence and hell broke loose. She was, of course, furious with him. For the first time in his life that he could really remember, she was genuinely mad at him. Even more so when she found out that his girlfriend was a muggleborn and not even a pureblooded witch.
His mother had been eager to see him settle down, Markus had four sons already, but this was bordering on unacceptable.
Fearing upsetting his mother even more, when she demanded that he return to America, get a proper job in the LAW and just marry the harlot of a girl, he listened right away. Marisol's own parents agreed as well given the circumstances, encouraging her to just go. They would rather lose their daughter all together to America than see her as an unwed college student with a baby on the way.
Leaving her life in Ponce and at school behind, Marisol was never really treated like a real member of the Quentin family even after she married Dimitrius officially. Her mother-in-law always seemed poised with a venomous comment at every turn, and neither her husband or his family ever defended her. This is, partially, why Marisol just never cared about learning to perfect her English. Dimitrius spoke fluent enough Spanish, and that was enough for her. She decided to feign stupidity and just ignore the insults.
It wasn't until the middle of summer in 1994, after their shotgun spring wedding, that things began to slightly change in the Quentin family. Alexandria Ava was born on a surprisingly hot July night, and she was the center of her father's world from the moment she let out her first cry. Even her grandmother Quentin, despite her still obvious disgust for Marisol, fell head over heels for Alex the second she saw her. She was her first, and favorite, granddaughter.
Marisol tried to love her daughter as best she could, but there was an emotional disconnect right from the start. The baby was extremely disgruntled, outright refusing to breast feed and always cranky, often crying at the top of her lungs for hours on end. Usually until Dimitrius came home from work and picked her up anyway, which seemed to work to silence her every time. It was hard for Marisol not to admit that her daughter was a seemingly perfect Quintin, and she certainly felt like she hated her mother just as much as the rest of the family did.
It wasn't until Alex was a few years older that this become clearly true. Spoiled and adorable all at once, Alex did as she pleased even as a child and answered to nearly no one. Whether it was from listening to her grandmother too much or just an inherently cruel nature, she treated her mother like a servant from the time she could talk. Plus she was extremely prone to tantrums and holding her breath until she got her way. Which she always did, so Marisol wouldn't have to deal with her whining. Around her grandmother and father, Alex was the perfect sweet brown-eyed little angel.
But really, to her mother and anyone else she didn't want to listen to, Alex was a handful. By the time she was five, her mother had stopped taking her to muggle playgrounds after no more than four other little girls got spontaneous nosebleeds or fell mysteriously from the top of the jungle gym after trying to touch her toys. Completely at a loss for what to do, and with little help and a family whom refused to believe her daughter was that bad, Marisol gave up. Alex has walked all over her mother for years, and all of the time spent with her grandmother, being spoiled and having her head filled with elitist snobby thoughts, views, and attitudes never helped.
Her younger brother, Marcos, was born when she was three years old. She took an immediate dislike to him, as she did with anything that took the attention away from her. After briefly trying to put a pillow over the baby's face, it was decided that perhaps she shouldn't play with him anymore. Alex and Marcos have never been particularly close, especially once Alex became old enough to hold suspicions that the boy was conceived out of wedlock. He just looks nothing like the rest of the Quentin family. It's just not proper and something they certainly never discuss.
In public, anyway.
Encouraged by her grandmother's blood purist influence and her father's constant need to make sure she was totally and constantly happy, Alex was the perfect storm by the time she was old enough to go to school. Her habit of getting what she wanted a hundred percent of the time only made what was coming worse on everyone. She had assumed, of course, that she would attend Dresden along with the few friends she had made among her father's coworkers children. The few of them who would tolerate her, anyway.
She loved to visit Georgia, keyword being visit, to see her grandparents as much as possible. But when Dimitrius told her that she would be moving there to attend Blue Ridge, Alex went berserk. Her father had never denied her anything in her life before that point, but it was a family tradition and his word on the matter was final. He was putting his foot down, and Alex wouldn't be going anywhere else, no matter how much she cried.
Cry she did, along with screaming how much she hated her parents while she trashed her entire bedroom. With a month before summer was ended, Alex had that long to get over herself. When September rolled around, she had resigned herself to her fate after Dimitrius bought her all new robes and clothes to go with. She was still pissed, but for once in her life, she gave up the fight and allowed someone else win. It was daddy, after all, and she wanted him to be proud.
Surprising to even herself, Alex actually took to Blue Ridge like a fish to water. Her father taught her all kinds of jinxes and hexes he and his friends used to play pranks. Alex gladly used then, but with much more malice, leg-locking the weakest kids in the hall and starting laugh riots of their embarrassment. She gathered up enough friends, or at least girls who were too afraid not ti ber friends, and immediately took up the role of resident Queen Bitch. She didn't even wait to be a second year before picking on first years.
During her first week at school, she met a girl named Charlie Baker and began talking to her in Herbology class. There was just something about the blonde girl that hooked her, and through the years she has been Alex's only true friend and one of the few people she has ever apologized to. For anything. Charlie, like Alex herself technically, comes from muggleborn heritage. With a full blown hate on for muggles, even at eleven, Alex decided that simply wouldn't do. She convinced Charlie to deny her muggle roots, and present herself as a pureblood as well, or they couldn't be best friends anymore. They've never looked back.
Surprising to absolutely no one, Alex was sorted into Shenandoah. Much to her dismay, however, she ended up rooming with her cousin, Danielle; an insufferable and uncouth girl. They've never been fans of each other. But at least she was in a proper house, not one of those other four jokes, even if everything else about her cousin was lame. She was still a Quentin, even if she was doing it wrong.
Alex is a junior in Shenandoah now, still a completely rude and self individual, and still dragging Charlie around like her lost puppy. She slacks on the Quodpot team, whines like she's still six, and drives her cousin bananas. She's been studying combative magic extra hard this year. She has a feeling something big is coming.