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Monkeying Around [25 Jan 2011|10:29pm]
The Monkey Fist Cult is in disarray.  After the death of Lady Shiva, a new Paper Monkey was found and established.  However, the new Paper Monkey went rogue and killed the Bronze Monkey in the process.  Desperate to gain revenge on the Paper Monkey, the Monkey Fist Cult attempted to take him down.  In their attempt, the cult was utterly defeated.  The Silver Monkey barely escaped with his life, and he sought out allies of the new generation to help defeat the rogue Paper Monkey.

The plot starts with the Silver Monkey ambushes Masanori and is defeated.  The Silver Monkey is forced to explain that he was testing Masanori.  As a result of the meeting, Masanori agrees to help the Monkey Fist Cult defeat the rogue Paper Monkey.

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Test Scene [05 Sep 2010|04:14pm]
Masanori had one thing he had to do after leaving Ben Turner to be on his own.  He'd promised to check up on the son of Richard Dragon and see how he was doing.  It wasn't very hard, either.  He probably looked like a hostile enemy when he showed up.  Masanori had a katana hanging at his side, and other weapons were either hidden or outfitted on his person.  But hopefully Vic would recognize him, even if they hadn't seen each other in awhile. 

"Yo, Vic!" Masanori shouted as he approached the base of the tower.  He rested a hand on the hilt of his katana and smirked.

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Hirano Masanori [05 Sep 2010|01:50am]
:  on file
:  on file

CHARACTER NAME: Hirano Masanori [last, first]
CHARACTER LJ: bronze_kneecap

:  Masanori is 5'9" and at the premium weight for his height to muscle ratio.  He has black eyes and long black hair, which is usually tied back into a ponytail that variates on whether or not it is braided.
: Twenty Three
BIRTHDAY:  August 14
: Bronze Tiger
: Tak Sakaguchi

:  Masanori is a master martial artist, having been trained personally by Benjamin Turner (the Bronze Tiger).  His most proficient styles are Jeet Kune Do, Hop Kido, Silat, Savate, and Dragon Style Kung Fu.  Masanori is also very capable with weapons combat and has incorporated them into his fighting styles, thus creating entirely new branches of combat for his learned fighting styles.  He has a natural talent and trained expertise for identifying body language and exact muscular movement in others.

:  Masanori is only human, thus he can be hurt and manipulated and the like.

:  Neutral TEAM:  None
:  Hirano Hoshimori [father/deceased], Hirano Sumiko [mother/dead], Benjamin Turner [adoptive father/alive]

:  Hirano Masanori is the son of a little known Kung Fu intructor, Hirano Hoshimori, and his wife, Hirano Sumiko.  The pair met and became friendly with Benjamin Turner, who helped instruct Masanori in martial arts since the age of four.  When Masanori turned five, both of his parents were murdered for their affiliation with Ben Turner.  Masanori was almost killed, but Ben showed up just in time to save his life.  As retribution for being the reason Hoshimori and Sumiko died, Ben took Masanori under his wing.  Masanori was never officially adopted until the age of thirteen.

:  Masanori has just recently left the retired Ben Turner's side with the moniker of Bronze Tiger, although he does not wear the mask.  He can be introduced as meeting with Vic Dragon (if Matt wants).
?  I plan for Masanori to hunt down the people who ordered that his parents be killed.  I haven't decided who they are just yet.
?  I want to see some cool plots and interactions.  A team-up with our local Dragon and Shiva prodigies would be fun.  I also want to see a three-way battle between them.
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