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Lee Arthur

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JSA Plot- What Could Have Been [06 Oct 2012|01:40am]
1. JSA get called in to fight Vandal Savage to stop him from stealing some technology from STAR Labs(or the like). During the fight some of the lab gets damaged and explodes. During the fallout Savage gets away taking some of the technology with him.

2. Vandal Savage uses the technology to complete a project of his so that he can go back in time and help the Nazis win WWII using his future knowledge and giving them weapons from the present day.

3. The JSA find themselves suddenly in a new future where the Nazi did win WWII due to Savage's meddling unaffected and able to remember everything due to exposure from the earlier explosion.

4. JSA have to battle their way across the NaziUSA to find a time machine to stop Vandal in the past. (During this they can run across versions of other characters from this timeline like a Lady Shiva Sin or Nazi Resistance Marcus who can help, hinder or do other fun what if verse stuff. Any characters in like that are not plot locked since this occurs essentially out of time and while other character involvement is greatly encouraged it is not in anyway required)

5. After getting to the time machine and using it they go back in time where they have to stop Vandal Savage of that time with Nazis using Future tech.

6. After beating Vandal and destroy all the future tech and knowledge they head back to their time where they find no one has any memory of what happened.
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Nazi-verse [06 Oct 2012|12:34pm]
Lee Arthur- Does not exist

Sam Weaver- Works as hero for this worlds JLA

Cian Daly- Works as a hero for this worlds JLI

Mike Blood- Neutral party deals with Magic stuff

Nick Szasz- Works as Journalist, Sercetly writes anti-nazi propaganda

Marcus Todd- Resistance Fighter
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[ viewing | October 6th, 2012 ]
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