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Lee Arthur

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Black Dragon Society [21 Aug 2011|11:25pm]
Name: James Burnman- Dragon King


History: The younger child of the original Dragon King James inherited his fathers empire after his father's final defeat. James has since taken to working in secret trying to rebuilt the strength and legacy of his father. He had been working tirelessly in this effort fusing his skill with science especially genetics and his skill with magic to make an army worthy of the name Dragon King

Abilities: James is a brilliant scientific mind and is an expert in Genetics. James is also highly skilled in the use of magic though typically only uses it to further his scientific ends. James can fight fairly well if he has to but he prefers to let others do that or use his inventions.

Name: Cindy Burman- Shiv


History: The first child of the Orignal Dragon King Shiv was supposed to be his heir but when she couldn't handle the pressure she was being put under by her father's need for perfection and never failing she snapped going insane. Following her last defeat by Stargirl she was putting in a supporting role for her brother which works better for her allowing her to fill her need for blood. She wants nothing more than to kill then entire Dugan family for what happened to her and her father but will just as happily take down a member of the JSA.

Abilities: Cindy has a smart tactical mind though her insanity and obsession can sometimes get in the way of that. Cindy has been altered with cybernetics giving her superhuman strength, speed, durability, and agility. She can also turn her hands into blades of steel. She is extremely dangerous in hand to hand combat and well trained in it's use.

Name: Lizardmen


History: The epitome of James research his Lizardmen are humans he has altered with magic and science turning them into half Lizard half man. There are several breeds of these creatures that he has created and uses for his own ends.

Abilities: A basic Lizardman has superhuman strength, agility, durability and razor sharp teeth and talons. Some variants can breath fire, have feathery wings they can use to fly, spit acid, or have some of their basic abilities heightened.

Name: Minions


History: Basically human members of the Black Dragon Society. They are fanatically devoted to the Dragon King and will do almost anything for him.

Abilities: These are basically your standard villain minions. By themselves not dangerous to a hero but can be tough in numbers.
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